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Posted on 15 July 2009

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Enrique y Pedro...wtf!?...algo sobre ILIAS!! ^_^ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<<---------++++++++++++++ Condition: registered user +++++++++++++++++--------->>>> I used my own account in my university...sorry for testing :P ################################# ///////////////////////////////// ARBITRARY INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ///////////////////////////////// ################################# ------------------- ------------------- "POST-ITS" ISSUE: ------------------- ------------------- When a user, teacher, admin, alumn, post a new post-its, he could read all post-its in database. The vuln link would be: http://[HOST]/[PATH]/ilias.php?col_side=right&block_type=pdnotes&rel_obj=0&note_id=1&note_type=1&cmd=showNote&cmdClass=ilpdnotesblockgui&cmdNode=50&baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI Changing note_id=1 for other value, for ex. 100, we could read this posts-it. That seems a low risk vuln but, when i tested on-line, ie, against my university and i've got a lot of sensitive information. ------------------- ------------------- "CMD" ISSUE: ------------------- ------------------- Course/group/... calendars: This would be a normal link: http://[HOST]/[PATH]/repository.php?cmd=frameset&ref_id=50438 But if I change cmd=frameset for cmd=edit: http://[HOST]/[PATH]/repository.php?ref_id=50438&cmd=edit I access to information about this group/course/..., and I tried to change it, but i got permission denied...anyway, i can get how it's configured this group/course/... ------------------- ------------------- "CALENDAR" ISSUE: ------------------- ------------------- http://[HOST]/[PATH]/ilias.php?seed=2009-06-28&category_id=847&calendar_mode=2&cmd=edit&cmdClass=ilcalendarcategorygui&cmdNode=6&baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI Changing category_id, it shows sensitive information about any course/group/... Personal and global calendars are secure. ######################################### ///////////////////////////////////////// ARBITRARY INFORMATION DISCLOSURE/EDITION ///////////////////////////////////////// ######################################### This module (favorite) allows to get a repository of favorite links ------------------- ------------------- "FAVORITE" ISSUE: ------------------- ------------------- This would be the vuln link: http://[HOST]/[PATH]/ilias.php?bmf_id=1&obj_id=926&cmd=editFormBookmark&cmdClass=ilbookmarkadministrationgui&cmdNode=2&baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI GET var 'obj_id' is the vuln var...changing for other value you can view and edit any favorite link. User (victim) trusts in these links (He posts them) ############ //////////// VIDEOS DEMO //////////// ############ ARBITRARY INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND EDITION ("FAVORITES") --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6D6UVR0358 ARBITRARY INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ("POST-ITS") --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSPp1dswe1E #################### //////////////////// DISCLOSURE TIMELINE //////////////////// #################### **2009-06-28** ~~~~~> FIRST VULNS DISCOVERED **2009-06-29** ~~~~~> VULN REPORTED TO VENDOR **2009-06-29** ~~~~~> OTHER SECURITY ISSUE DISCOVERED **2009-06-29** ~~~~~> VULN REPORTED TO VENDOR WITH VIDEO AND REPORT **2009-06-30** ~~~~~> VENDOR RESPONSED **2009-06-30** ~~~~~> VENDOR CONFIRMED SECURITY ISSUES **2009-06-30** ~~~~~> VENDOR FIXED SECURITY ISSUES IN SVN FOR 3.9/3.10/Trunk (AND CONFIRMS 3.9 AFFECTED) **2009-06-30** ~~~~~> VENDOR CLARIFIED SECURITY ISSUES: "Confirm that all your exploits work in the latest published official release" **2009-07-01** ~~~~~> VENDOR CONFIRMED NEXT RELEASE WILL CONTAIN THE FIXES **2009-07-01** ~~~~~> I WILL WAIT NEXT RELEASE FOR FULL DISCLOSURE **2009-07-08** ~~~~~> ILIAS LAUNCHED NEW STABLE RELEASE (3.10.8 / 3.9.10) **2009-07-11** ~~~~~> I CONTACTED AGAIN TO SAY A DISCLOSURE DATE, STABLISHED FOR 2009-07-15 (WAIT ONE WEEK AFTER NEW RELEASE...) **2009-07-12** ~~~~~> ILIAS AGREE WITH THIS DATE AND POSTED A LINK FOR CREDITS **2009-07-15** ~~~~~> FULL DISCLOSURE...PUBLISHED ADVISORY. <<<-----------------------------EOF---------------------------------->>>ENJOY IT! ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ##**************************************************************************## ## SPECIAL THANKS TO: MILW0RM FOREVER!!...STR0KE THE BEST! ## ##**************************************************************************## ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------## ##**************************************************************************## ## GREETZ TO: JosS, Ulises2k, J.McCray, Evil1 and Spanish Hack3Rs community!## ##**************************************************************************## ############################################################################## ##############################################################################