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BrandPost: Simplifying Wi-Fi for Small Business

from PC world 05 October indexed on 09 October 2017 16:01

No modern business can operate without Wi-Fi. Whether you run a one-person operation or a booming store that serves an increasingly cashless customer base, Wi-Fi is essential for functions as fundamental as communication and billing. Not to mention the nearly-mandatory demand for public Wi-Fi networks in retail stores.  “Wi-Fi is definitely a lifeline,” agrees Richard Jonker, NETGEAR's Vice President, Small Business Product Line Management. “It's more important than anything else.”  But installing and maintaining business Wi-Fi isn't easy. To avoid the headaches and costs, some business owners are tempted to settle for the standard consumer-level setup furnished by their ISP. Jonker explains why this is a mistake: To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

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