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Android 8.0 Oreo: Behind-the-scenes improvements make it better than ever

from PC world 29 September indexed on 29 September 2017 16:01

You probably know Android Oreo's most prominent improvements, like notification channels and picture-in-picture video. But it's the behind-the-scenes stuff that has made Android a better operating system. (Remember what battery life was like before Doze Mode? Shudder.) Oreo has some important system tweaks that might not be immediately apparent, but they could have the most impact on your daily usage. Background app limits Apps in Android have two basic states: foreground and background. A foreground app is one that's interacting with the user. You might have it up on the screen, or perhaps it's executing some task in the background with a notification to keep it alive (like a music player). A background app is just something you were using at some point in the past but is still running on your phone. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

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