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First posted on 12 December 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan-Dropper:W32/Agent.FLN.

Explanation :

This type of trojan contains one or more malicious programs, which it secretly installs and executes.

right]This trojan-dropper masquerades as a Homeview installer. In reality, its main purpose is to install Trojan:W32/DNSChanger.ARNF onto the system.


Upon execution, it will display the following fake screens, to mimic the legitimate installation sequence for Homeview:


While the fake installation screens are distracting user, the malware creates and executes this file:

  • %temp%jah339312.exe

This file is detected as Trojan:W32/DNSChanger.ARNF.

If the fake Homeview installation sequence is completed, a new folder named %Program Files%homeview is created and this file is added to it:

  • %Program Files%homeviewUninstall.exe

This uninstaller is capable of removing the Homeview-related registry entries and deleting itself and its folder. It is however incapable of removing Trojan:W32/DNSChanger.ARNF, or the changes that malware makes to the system.

Last update 12 December 2008