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First posted on 18 September 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan:W32/Agent.

Explanation :

A trojan, or trojan horse, is a seemingly legitimate program which secretly performs other, usually malicious, functions. It is usually user-initiated and does not replicate.

Additional DetailsThere are a very large number of variants in the Trojan:W32/Agent family, most of which may download and install adware or malware to the victim's machine. The variants may also change configurations for Windows Explorer and for the Windows interface.


Trojan:W32/Agent is a subset of the "Agent" family, which groups together a wide variety of malware that do not fit into any other known families. The Agent family includes trojans, worms, viruses, backdoors and other types of malicious programs.

For representative examples of these other subsets, you can also see:

  • Backdoor:W32/Agent.AMB   • Rootkit:W32/Agent.EA   • Trojan:W32/Agent.AFB   • Trojan-Downloader:W32/Agent.BRK   • Trojan-Downloader:W32/Agent.EYA   • Trojan-Dropper:W32/Agent.PR   • Worm:W32/Agent.T

Last update 18 September 2009