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First posted on 27 July 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Worm:W32/Welchi.

Explanation :

A standalone malicious program which uses computer or network resources to make complete copies of itself. May include code or other malware to damage both the system and the network.

Additional DetailsWorm:W32/Welchi is an unusual malware in that it attempts to disinfect the computer system from Worm:W32/Lovsan infections. It also attempts to patch a vulnerability used by the Lovsan worm to propagate.

The virus code contains the following text string, which is never displayed:

€ =========== I love my wife & baby :)~~~ Welcome Chian~~~
Notice: 2004 will remove myself:)~~ sorry zhongli~~~====
======= wins

Welchi was first reported on August 18th 2003. Tthe worm will stop working when the computer's clock is set to 2004.


Welchi only infects Windows XP machines through the RPC hole used by the Lovsan worm.

In addition, Welchi will attempt to infect IIS 5.0 web servers via WebDAV exploit. For more on this vulnerability found in March 2003, see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-007.asp.

This variant uses files named DLLHOST.EXE and SVCHOST.EXE. Note that these are names of normal Windows system files.

On infection, the worm drops files at the following locations:

€ %systemDir%\wins\DLLHOST.EXE - The worm's executable file € %systemDir%\wins\SVCHOST.EXE - The renamed tftp server


Unlike most worms, Welchi's effects on the infected system appear to be beneficial. When active, it attempts to disinfect Lovsan.A from the machine by looking for a process with the strings "msblast" in its name (a Lovsan characteristic) and terminating the process if found. It will then delete the file %systemdir%\msblast.exe, Lovsan's executable copy.

Welchi also attempts to download the Microsoft patch for closing the RPC vulnerability, and tries to download the patch from eight different URLs, corresponding to four language versions (English, Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Korean) for both Windows XP and 2000. This patch routine is not always successful and on clearing Welchi from the machine it is recommended that the patch be checked according to instructions from Microsoft (see the section File Information at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=823980).


When run, Welchi will create a mutex named "RpcPatch_Mutex", to ensure that only one active copy of the worm is ever run.

The worm does not modify the Windows Registry to launch itself automatically.

Last update 27 July 2010