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First posted on 21 November 2011.
Source: BitDefender

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Win32.Bagle.B@mm.

Explanation :

It arrives in an e-mail, formatted like this:

From: (spoofed address, could be anything)
Subject: ID %random_letters%... thanks
Yours ID %random_letters%
Attachment: %random_letters%.exe (11,264 bytes)


Subject: ID ldksy... thanks
Yours ID rnhyijwo

Attachment: jeqcnfmbiv.exe (11,264 bytes)

When run, the virus launches sndrec32.exe (Sound Recorder from Windows)

Then, it starts searching for e-mails in files with the following extensions:

wab txt htm html

Then, it tries to send itself to all the e-mail addresses found, in the e-mail format described above.
It sends a notification message to a list of web sites; the message contains information about the infected computer.
This information could be used for uploading other executable files to the infected computers.

The worm starts a thread that listens for connections from a remote machine.
This connection it is used for downloading a file and executing it, and it may be used as an auto update mechanism.

Last update 21 November 2011