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First posted on 14 July 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan:HTML/FakeXPA.

Explanation :

Trojan:HTML/FakeXPA is a component of the Win32/FakeXPA family - a group of programs that claims to scan for malware and displays fake warnings of “malicious programs and viruses”. They then inform the user that they need to pay money to register the software in order to remove these non-existent threats. This trojan may also display a dialog that mimics the Windows Security Center.

There are no obvious symptoms that indicate the presence of this malware on an affected machine.

Trojan:HTML/FakeXPA is a component of the Win32/FakeXPA family - a group of programs that claims to scan for malware and displays fake warnings of “malicious programs and viruses”. They then inform the user that they need to pay money to register the software in order to remove these non-existent threats. This trojan may also display a dialog that mimics the Windows Security Center. Trojan:HTML/FakeXPA is detection for a web page component that is utilized in order to convince users to download and install FakeXPA. For more information, please see our Trojan:Win32/FakeXPA description elsewhere in this encyclopedia.

Last update 14 July 2009