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First posted on 19 October 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Exploit:W32/Exploit.

Explanation :

A program or technique that takes advantage of a vulnerability to remotely access or attack a program, computer or server.

Additional DetailsThis is the Exploit General Information page.

In computer security terms, an exploit is an object - a program, a section of code, even a string of characters - that takes advantage of a vulnerability in a program or operating system to perform various actions.

An exploit is almost always used in a malicious context. If successfully used, exploits can provide an attacker with a wide range of possible actions, from viewing data on a restricted-user database to almost complete control of a compromised system.

For examples of exploits on various platfoms, see the following:

  • Exploit:JS/Pidief   • Exploit:W32/Ani.C   • Exploit:HTML/IESlice.BK   • Exploit:SymbOS/SMSCurse.A

Last update 19 October 2009