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First posted on 15 February 2019.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Exploit:Java/CVE-2010-0094.

Explanation :

Java/CVE-2010-0094 is a family of malicious Java applets stored within a Java Archive (.JAR) that attempts to exploit a vulnerability in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) up to and including version 6 update 18. The vulnerability allows an unsigned Java applet to gain elevated privileges and potentially have unrestricted access to a host system outside its "sandbox" environment. It is discussed in CVE-2010-0094.


Java/CVE-2010-0094 is distributed using the Java Archive (JAR) file format. It has been observed in the wild that it arrives in the computer when users are tricked into visiting a webpage that hosts the malicious applet.

The JAR file contains classes and resources necessary to execute the exploit code implemented as a Java applet. Using remote method invocation (RMI), the main class exploits the vulnerability in the "RMIConnectionImpl" class by loading the serialized custom ClassLoader. The subclass of ClassLoader inherits a runtime permission which can call protected mode, enabling malicious classes to load in privileged context.

The JAR package consists of the following classes, which load during the exploit process:

Exploit or Main class ClassLoader class Payload class Payload

Downloads arbitrary files
Java/CVE-2010-0094 variants are designed for drive-by download attacks, where an exploit is used for the purpose of downloading and executing arbitrary files, usually other malware.

Analysis by Methusela Cebrian Ferrer

Last update 15 February 2019