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First posted on 06 July 2007.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan:HTML/Postcards.N is also known as HTML/Postcards.N@troj.

Explanation :

Files detected as HTML/Postcard.N@troj are EML files that state that the recipient has received a greeting card.

The recipient is encouraged to click on a link or to visit a website and enter their eCard number to view the message.

Files that are detected as HTML/Postcard.N@troj are EML files that state that the recipient has received a greeting card from a friend, relative, or classmate. The recipient is encouraged to click on a link or to visit a website and enter their eCard number to view the message.

When the user click this link, another page will appear stating that a new browser feature is currently being tested. The recipient is asked to click another link pointing to a file, usually named ECARD.EXE. We are detecting these files as Email-Worm.Win32.Zhelatin.

The website seems to have obfuscated javascript that uses exploits to download the file to the recipient's machine. Currently, these page are detected as HTML/IESlice.B@troj.

An example message:

Last update 06 July 2007



Malware :
