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First posted on 18 May 2010.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for IM-Worm:W32/IM-Worm.

Explanation :

A type of worm that spreads on Instant Messaging (IM) networks.

Additional DetailsWhen searching our Virus Descriptions database for a specific program (e.g., IM-Worm:W32/Example.A), you may be directed to this page if the overview below sufficiently describes the program.

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About IM-Worms
An Instant Messenger (IM) worm is a type of worm that spreads in IM networks. There are a few widely used instant messenger networks - ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, AOL and a few others.

When an IM worm is run, it usually locates address book of the Instant Messenger client and tries to send a copy of itself to all contacts listed.
Some worms use social engineering and send messages that trick recipients into running the received worm copies. Some IM worms are even capable of exchanging short messages with possible recipients and analyzing their replies.


For more information, see Encyclopedia: IM-Worm.

Last update 18 May 2010