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First posted on 09 October 2013.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Rogue:JS/FakeAlert.

Explanation :

Threat behavior

Rogue:JS/FakeAlert is detected in a webpage that shows a fake security scanner. It falsely tells you that your PC is infected with viruses and that you need to install other software to disinfect it. The software it offers for install is usually a rogue security software, which doesn't clean your PC and instead tells you that you need to pay for more, nonexistent, cleaning.

Read more about rogues from our Rogue security software page.

You might be redirected to these fake scanner webpages through a variety of ways, including clicking on misleading ads, visiting malicious or hacked websites, or by clicking on poisoned search results.

The typical scenario is as follows: your browser opens a webpage saying something similar to "Viruses were found in your computer!". A dialog box might also appear with the message "Microsoft Antivirus has found critical process activity on your PC. You need to clean your computer to prevent the system breakage.". It is important to note that these claims are false and are used to mislead you.

Analysis by David Wood


The following could indicate that you have this threat on your PC:

  • A webpage opens up with this message, or a similar message:
    • "Viruses were found in your computer!"
    • "Microsoft Antivirus has found critical process activity on your PC. You need to clean your computer to prevent the system breakage."

Last update 09 October 2013