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First posted on 26 July 2014.
Source: Symantec

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Backdoor.Baccamun.

Explanation :

The Trojan may be dropped by Trojan.Mdropper or Trojan.Dropper.

Once executed, the Trojan creates the following file:

It then creates the following registry entry so that it runs every time Windows starts:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"Java Run Environment 1.1.0023\" = "%Windir%\tasks\taskmgr.exe"

Next, the Trojan connects to the following remote location:

The Trojan then opens a back door on the compromised computer, allowing an attacker to perform the following actions:
Download filesExecute arbitrary commands

Last update 26 July 2014



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