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First posted on 25 January 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Trojan-Downloader:W32/Small.HSG is also known as Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Small.hsg.

Explanation :

Trojan-Downloader:W32/Small.HSG downloads and runs a file that is detected as Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.HQL.

This normally arrives as a dropped file by other malware or is downloaded unsuspectingly by the user from a malicious website.

Once running on the system, this trojan will download a file from the following website:

The downloaded file will then be stored as:

It will be automatically executed from the infected machine without the users knowledge and will create a registry entry that will reference to the aforementioned location.

This in turn will download and execute another trojan and will further compromise system security.

Last update 25 January 2008



Malware :
