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First posted on 29 January 2014.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Rogue:JS/FakeAV.

Explanation :

Threat behavior

Rogue:JS/FakeAV is a generic detection for a trojan script that tries to download and run rogue security software when you visit a malicious web page and move your mouse cursor over certain graphics or images.


Rogue:JS/FakeAV does not install locally. However, it can be cached in your temporary Internet files folder after you visit a malicious web page.


Downloads rogue security software

The trojan script can download rogue security software, including Win32/FakeRean. We have also seen it download other malware, including Win32/Winwebsec.

It generates a dialogue box that asks you to run a fake security scan or download and run fake security software. This software can then further compromise your PC.

The fake scan can look like the following:

The following are some of the dialog boxes that indicate this script has run:

Analysis by Marianne Mallen


The following could indicate that you have this threat on your PC:

  • You see these dialog boxes:

Last update 29 January 2014