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First posted on 05 December 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan:W32/Krap.B.

Explanation :

This detection is of "packed" software. Packers are used to compress files and to disguise the malicious contents.

right]Packed.Win32.Krap.b is the detection name for various types of malicious files.

It is a packer detection and this packer is frequently used for malicious purposes.

The malicious content, usually inside the files which are detected with this name, are password stealers for onlinegames. It may also include some other types of malware such as trojans and worms.

The packer is custom made and has been designed to protect packed files from being debugged, emulated, or unpacked. The code in the packer stub is difficult to read and analyze since it has been obfuscated quite well. There are many decryption loops for the packer code itself which it executes during runtime and the code seems to be polymorphic.

Last update 05 December 2008