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First posted on 21 November 2011.
Source: BitDefender

Aliases :

Trojan.Xombe.A is also known as Downloader-GJ.b, Trojan.Xombe, TrojanDownloader.Win32.Xombe, Troj/Dloader-L, Troj/Mssvc-A.

Explanation :

This is a trojan downloader that was spread using unsolicited email.
The email had the following format:

Subject: Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Express) - Critical Update.
Window Update has determined that you are running a beta version of Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1). To help improve the stability of your computer, Microsoft recommends that you remove the beta version of Windows XP SP1 and re-install Windows XP SP1. If you cannot remove the beta version, you should still reinstall Windows XP SP1.
Windows XP SP1 provides the latest security, reliability, and performance updates to the Windows XP family of operating systems. Windows XP SP1 is designed to ensure Windows XP platform compatibility with newly released software and hardware, and includes updates to resolve issues discovered by customers or by Microsoft's internal testing team.
The maximum download size is approximately 3 MB, however the size of the download and time required may be less for computers that have had
updates previously installed. To minimize the download time needed for installation, setup will only download those files which are required to bring your computer up to date. Windows XP SP1 includes Internet Explorer 6 SP1. Anti-virus software programs may interfere with the installation of Windows XP SP1. Please disable anti-virus software while installing the service pack.
Just run the file winxp_sp1.exe in attach and make sure to restart your
PC after installation will be completed.
(c) 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use Privacy


After the user executes the attachment the trojan downloads from gamemaniacs.org domain another file. The second file is also a Trojan downloader.
After the second file is executed it copies itself as c:\windows\system\msvchost.exe and the following registry key is added:
SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun mssvc with the value:

After that the Trojan gathers some information from the computer and sends it to that site and it downloads some trojan DLL components.

Last update 21 November 2011