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First posted on 24 December 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Backdoor:W32/Agent.IFX.

Explanation :

Backdoors are Remote Administration Tools (RAT) that expose infected machines to external control via the Internet.


Creates these files:

  • %appdata%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchInternet Explorer.lnk
    this creates a quicklaunch IE that opens the page www.6700.cn
  • %favorites%.url
    this creates a "favorites" link in IE to the page www.6700.cn
  • %windir%system32[RANDOM].dll
  • %windir%system32drivers[RANDOM].sys
  • %windir%system32[RANDOM].bat


The malware will launch itself by adding this entry into registry :

  • HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServices[RANDOM]
    ImagePath = system32drivers[RANDOM].sys

It also changes the IE start page to:

  • HK_USERS[...]MicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain Start Page = "www.6700.cn?tn=1027271"

Attempts to connect to:

  • www. buyaohenchang. cn/api.php?xxxxxxx
    www. woyaochidongxi. com/update.php?xxxxx

When first executed, the malware will create the files listed above. It will then execute the batch file to delete itself.

The DLL file and driver are also installed into the system. From then on the DLL and driver will provide the backdoor functionality.

Last update 24 December 2008