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First posted on 27 June 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Worm:W32/Agent.BTZ.

Explanation :

Worm:W32/Agent.BTZ: Worms are computer programs that replicate independently by copying themselves to other systems.

right]Creates these files:

The files "winview.ocx" and "mswmpdat.tlb" holds the log of the files and their location that the malware has installed. The content of these file are encrypted.

The file "muxbde40.dll" is the malware itself with a different name.

Spreading function

The worm spreads by creating an AUTORUN.INF file to the root of each drive with the malicious .dll file.

The contents of the file are as follows:

shellopenCommand=rundll32.exe .\[RANDOM].dll,InstallM

Note: [RANDOM] represents a random name that the worm creates for the dll.

If the malware detects a new partition, or usb stick for example, it will get infected immediately.

The registry keys are used to make sure that the malware gets launched when the computer starts.

Last update 27 June 2008