Home / malware Adware:Win32/Adpeak
First posted on 30 January 2014.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
There are no other names known for Adware:Win32/Adpeak.
Explanation :
Threat behavior
Adware:Win32/Adpeak can be downloaded from the program's website or bundled with some third-party software installation programs.
It creates the following files in %ProgramFiles%\ScorpionSaver:
- background.js
- bootstrap.js
- bootstrap.js.old
- CustomActionInstall
- CustomActionUninstall
- ff_addonkit_page-mod.js
- ff_addonkit_private-browsing.js
- ff_addonkit_request.js
- ff_addonkit_windows.js
- ff_addon_runner.js
- ff_base_api-utils.js
- ff_base_base64.js
- ff_base_byte-streams.js
- ff_base_collection.js
- ff_base_content.js
- ff_base_cortex.js
- ff_base_cuddlefish.js
- ff_base_deprecate.js
- ff_base_environment.js
- ff_base_errors.js
- ff_base_events.js
- ff_base_file.js
- ff_base_functional.js
- ff_base_globals.js
- ff_base_heritage.js
- ff_base_hidden-frame.js
- ff_base_light-traits.js
- ff_base_list.js
- ff_base_loader.js
- ff_base_match-pattern.js
- ff_base_memory.js
- ff_base_namespace.js
- ff_base_observer-service.js
- ff_base_plain-text-console.js
- ff_base_preferences-service.js
- ff_base_promise.js
- ff_base_querystring.js
- ff_base_runtime.js
- ff_base_sandbox.js
- ff_base_self.js
- ff_base_system.js
- ff_base_text-streams.js
- ff_base_timer.js
- ff_base_traceback.js
- ff_base_traits.js
- ff_base_unload.js
- ff_base_url.js
- ff_base_uuid.js
- ff_base_window-utils.js
- ff_base_xhr.js
- ff_base_xpcom.js
- ff_base_xul-app.js
- ff_bootstrap.js
- ff_content_content-proxy.js
- ff_content_content-worker.js
- ff_content_loader.js
- ff_content_symbiont.js
- ff_content_worker.js
- ff_dom_events.js
- ff_events_assembler.js
- ff_event_core.js
- ff_event_target.js
- ff_harness-options.json
- ff_icon.png
- ff_icon64.png
- ff_install.rdf
- ff_l10n_core.js
- ff_l10n_html.js
- ff_l10n_loader.js
- ff_l10n_locale.js
- ff_l10n_prefs.js
- ff_locales.json
- ff_main.js
- ff_main.js.old
- ff_prefs.js
- ff_privatebrowsing_utils.js
- ff_system_events.js
- ff_tabs_events.js
- ff_tabs_observer.js
- ff_tabs_tab.js
- ff_tabs_utils.js
- ff_traits_core.js
- ff_utils_data.js
- ff_utils_object.js
- ff_utils_registry.js
- ff_utils_thumbnail.js
- ff_windows_dom.js
- ff_windows_loader.js
- ff_windows_observer.js
- ff_windows_tabs.js
- ff_window_utils.js
- icon128.png
- icon16.png
- icon32.png
- icon48.png
- icon64.png
- icon8.png
- IECore.dll
- LevelQualityWatcher32.exe
- LevelQualityWatcher64.exe
- manifest.json
- marcopolo.js
- Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll
- Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.xml
- SendJson.dll
It also creates the following registry entries:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ScorpionSaver
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adpeak, Inc.
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{10AD2C61-0898-4348-8600-14A342F22AC3}
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{10AD2C61-0898-4348-8600-14A342F22AC3}
Adware:Win32/Adpeak show you extra ads as you browse the Internet, without telling you where these ads are coming from. They might look like this:
Analysis by Aaron Hulett
The following could indicate that you have this program on your PC:
- You have this file:
- You see these entries or keys in your registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adpeak, Inc.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{10AD2C61-0898-4348-8600-14A342F22AC3}- You see ads like these:
Last update 30 January 2014