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First posted on 06 April 2007.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

Worm:W32/Agent.T is also known as Trojan.Downloader.Agent.ASH, W32/Generic.m, Trojan.Downloader-1419, Worm.Win32.Agent.t.

Explanation :

Worm:W32/Agent.T copies itself to the Windows folder and downloads files from several websites and executes them.

Agent.T is malware that may drop several copies of itself onto the system and downloads other additional malware from the Internet.

Upon execution, it drops the following files:

It modifies the following autostart registry entry to enable its automatic execution every system boot-up:

Note: The default value is Userinit=%windir%system32userinit.exe

It may drop a copy of itself to several drives. The Autorun.inf file, which is a configuration file used to automatically execute the malware when a directory or drive is being opened, is also dropped together with the main executable file.

Agent.T also downloads the following files from the Internet:

It then saves the files to the Windows directory using the following filenames:

One of the text files contains the following download sites:

The downloaded files are also trojan-downloaders that are now detected as Trojan-Downloader:W32/Small.EJW and Trojan-Downloader:W32/Small.ELM.

Last update 06 April 2007



Malware :
