Home / malware Win32/Takabum
First posted on 08 April 2016.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
There are no other names known for Win32/Takabum.
Explanation :
This threat can create files in the %TEMP% folder, including:
- A fake notice file (in rich-text format, .rft) with the same name as the .scr that it arrives in, appended with a date. For example:
- TOS-update-2016-march-06.scr
- TOS-update-2016-march-06.rtf
.gif with the following image:
We have seen the message in the .rtf file to be a plagiarized version of an updated terms of service notification. In the following example, the notification is a copy of a Google blog form 2012 about updated privacy policies and terms of service - Google is no way associated with this malware:
This ransomware searches for files in all of the targeted folders with the following extensions and encrypts them:
- .268
- .ai
- .ani
- .apk
- .arch00
- .arw
- .asset
- .avi
- .bar
- .bat
- .bay
- .bc6
- .bc7
- .big
- .bik
- .bkf
- .bkp
- .blf
- .blob
- .bsa
- .bup
- .cab
- .cas
- .cat
- .cdf-ms
- .cdr
- .cer
- .cfr
- .chm
- .com
- .cpl
- .cr2
- .crt
- .crw
- .css
- .csv
- .cur
- .d3dbsp
- .das
- .dat
- .dayzprofile
- .dazip
- .db0
- .dba
- .dbf
- .dbfv
- .dcr
- .der
- .desc
- .dll
- .dmp
- .dng
- .doc
- .docm
- .docx
- .dot
- .drv
- .dwg
- .dxf
- .dxg
- .epk
- .eps
- .erf
- .esm
- .exe
- .exif
- .ff
- .flv
- .fon
- .forge
- .fos
- .fpk
- .fsh
- .gdb
- .gho
- .gif
- .gpd
- .hkdb
- .hkx
- .hlp
- .hplg
- .htm
- .html
- .hvpl
- .ibank
- .ico
- .icxs
- .idl
- .ifo
- .indd
- .inf
- .inf_loc
- .ini
- .itdb
- .itl
- .itm
- .iwd
- .iwi
- .jfif
- .jpe
- .jpeg
- .jpg
- .js
- .kdb
- .kdc
- .kf
- .layout
- .lbf
- .lck
- .lib
- .litemod
- .lnk
- .log
- .log1
- .log2
- .lrf
- .ltx
- .lvl
- .m2
- .m3u
- .m4a
- .man
- .manifest
- .map
- .mcgame
- .mcmeta
- .mdb
- .mdbackup
- .mddata
- .mdf
- .mef
- .menu
- .mht
- .mlwivc
- .mlx
- .mof
- .mov
- .mp4
- .mpg
- .mpp
- .mpqge
- .mrw
- .mrwref
- .msg
- .msi
- .msp
- .mui
- .mum
- .ncf
- .nef
- .nlp
- .nls
- .nrw
- .ntl
- .ocx
- .odb
- .odc
- .odm
- .odp
- .ods
- .odt
- .orf
- .p12
- .p7b
- .p7c
- .pak
- .pdb
- .pdd
- .pef
- .pem
- .pfx
- .pgp
- .pkpass
- .pnf
- .png
- .ppd
- .ppsx
- .ppt
- .pptm
- .pptx
- .psd
- .psk
- .pst
- .ptx
- .py
- .qdf
- .qic
- .r3d
- .raf
- .raw
- .rb
- .rdp
- .re4
- .regtrans-ms
- .resx
- .rgss3a
- .rim
- .rofl
- .rtf
- .rw2
- .rwl
- .sav
- .sb
- .sc2save
- .scr
- .shs
- .sid
- .sidd
- .sidn
- .sie
- .sis
- .slm
- .snx
- .so
- .sql
- .sr2
- .srf
- .srw
- .sum
- .svg
- .swf
- .syncdb
- .sys
- .t12
- .t13
- .tax
- .tc
- .thm
- .thmx
- .tif
- .tor
- .ttf
- .txt
- .unity3d
- .upk
- .vcf
- .vdf
- .vfs0
- .vob
- .vpk
- .vpp_pc
- .vsd
- .vtf
- .w3x
- .wallet
- .wav
- .wb2
- .wma
- .wmf
- .wmo
- .wmv
- .wotreplay
- .wpd
- .wps
- .x3f
- .xdr
- .xf
- .xlk
- .xls
- .xlsb
- .xlsm
- .xlsx
- .xml
- .xrm-ms
- .xsd
- .xxx
- .ztm
After the files are encrypted, the ransomware renames the files by appending random 5 to 7 characters to the affected file extension. For example:
- file.png is renamed to file.png.sdfjk
- file.bin is renamed to file.bin.sdfjk
The malware doesn't encrypt files in the following directories:
- \chache\
- \chaches\
- \chrome\
- \history\
- \internet explorer\
- \microsoft\
- \mozilla\
- \program files\
- \temp\
It also avoids the following files:
- bootfont.bin
- bootmgr
- bootnxt
- bootsect.bak
It creates a file in every directory where files have been encrypted that explains how to decrypt your documents. The warning includes a countdown and the key words "Maktub Locker" and "Warning! Your personal files are encrypted". You are instructed to use the Tor browser to go to a specific web address and transfer money to the attackers.
The file's name is _DECRYPT_INFO_<5 to 7 random characters>.HTML, and might look like the following:
The linked page contains more information about how to decrypt your files and transfer money to the attackers.
Analysis by Carmen LiangLast update 08 April 2016