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First posted on 18 September 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Other:W32/Dropper.

Explanation :

A malicious program which does not easily fit into any other malware category.

Additional DetailsThis is the Dropper General Information page.

A dropper is a standalone program that drops a virus to a system. Usually a dropper of a file virus is a very small program (a few bytes) infected by a virus.

A dropper of a boot virus is usually a program that writes the image of a boot sector virus stored inside it to a hard or floppy drive.

Some well-known worms drop viruses. For example, Worm:W32/Klez creates a dropper for Virus:W32/Elkern and runs it; the dropped virus proceeds to live its own life. Also, Worm:W32/Funlove creates its dropper file and makes it run during all Windows sessions.

Virus droppers are not any more widespread as standalone malware is becoming more and more popular.


Droppers for standalone malware are identified as Trojan-Droppers. For more information on terms used, please see our Terminology Index.

Last update 18 September 2009