Home / malware SONAR.Zbot!gen3
First posted on 15 April 2014.
Source: SymantecAliases :
There are no other names known for SONAR.Zbot!gen3.
Explanation :
SONAR.Zbot!gen3 is a heuristic detection that is designed to detect known variants of the Trojan.Zbot (Zeus) family of threats.
Please submit files that are detected as SONAR.Zbot!gen3 to Symantec Security Response so that these new risks or variants can be identified and assigned specific names. To learn how to submit a file, read the document for the type of Symantec antivirus product that you are using:
Norton users
To learn how to submit a file to Symantec Security Response using Norton products, please read the following document:
Manually submitting an item to Symantec
Business users
To learn how to submit a file to Symantec Security Response using Symantec Endpoint Protection, please read the following document:
The Symantec Security Response sample submission process
It is possible to restore a file from quarantine to its previous location on your computer. This should only be done if you are certain that the file is not malicious. Symantec strongly recommend that you submit the file that was detected as SONAR.Zbot!gen3 even if you choose to restore the file from quarantine.
Norton users
To learn how to restore a file from quarantine using Norton products, please read the following document:
Restoring an item from the Quarantine
Business users
To learn how to restore a file from quarantine using Symantec Endpoint Protection products, please read the following document:
Restoring a false positiv from the Symantec Antivirus quarantineLast update 15 April 2014