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First posted on 12 August 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Other:HTML/Fraud.

Explanation :

A malicious program which does not easily fit into any other malware category.

Additional DetailsTrojan-Spy:HTML/Fraud detects fraudulent e-mail messages and website HTML.

Detections are typically the result of a mismatch in HREF tags used by hyperlinks. The fraudulent message or site is attempting to disguise or obfuscate the hyperlink. Disguised links are used by phishers attempting to lure victims to fraudulent sites in order to steal personal account details.


Example of a HREF mismatch:

The HREF tag shown in the sample HTML code directs to "Phishing.com" while the displayed hyperlink will show "Online-Bank.com".

Displays Online-Bank.com:

But links to Phishing.com:

Last update 12 August 2009