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First posted on 08 October 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan-Spy:W32/Goldun.RR.

Explanation :

A type of trojan that includes a variety of spy programs and keyloggers.

right]Goldun.RR drops the following files:

  • C:WINDOWSsystem32cabpck.dll
  • C:WINDOWSsystem32krnlcab.sys

The file called cabpck.dll is detected as Trojan-Spy.Win32.Goldun.axn.
The file called krnlcab.sys is detected as Trojan-Spy.Win32.Goldun.axr.

The main file create this process and terminate itself:

  • C:WINDOWSsystem32
    undll32.exe cabpck.dll,cabpck

Network Communications

Goldun.RR attempts to connect to:

  • social-bos.biz/jerken/data.php?trackid=706[...]


It creates a launch point using winlogon event:

  • HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotifycabpck
    DllName = cabpck.dll
    Startup = cabpck
    Impersonate = 00000001
    Asynchronous = 00000001
    MaxWait = 00000001
    a950 = [2E09BF121A42171A6]

Goldun.RR registers itself as a service:

  • HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServiceskrnlcab
    Type = 00000001
    Start = 00000001
    ErrorControl = 00000000
    ImagePath = system32krnlcab.sys
    DisplayName = Cabinet Kernel Packer
  • HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServiceskrnlcabSecurity
    Security = x01x00x14x80x90x00x00x00x9Cx00x00[...]

Creates this entry so that it will load during safe boot mode:

  • HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBootMinimalkrnlcab.sys
    (default) = Driver

Adds its connection to the Windows firewall list so as by-pass it:

  • HKLMSYSTEMControlSet001ServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyStandardProfileAuthorizedApplicationsList
    undll32.exe =

Last update 08 October 2008