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First posted on 03 March 2009.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Rogue:W32/XPAntivirus.

Explanation :

Fake antivirus or antispyware software that tricks users into buying or installing it by pretending the computer is infected.

right]This is a large rogueware family.

Members of the XPAntivirus family are distributed under several different names, including:

  • XP Antivirus
  • Antivirus 2009
  • Antivirus 2010
  • Antivirus 360


Once installed, XP Antivirus pretends to scan the computer system.

The program then displays fake alert messages indicating the system has been compromised. A message notifying the user of the 'infections' will also frequently pop up from the System Tray.

To fully use the product and/or to 'enable its disinfection functionality', the user is required to purchase a license.

Last update 03 March 2009