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First posted on 01 February 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Backdoor:PHP/Obfu.

Explanation :

Obfu is a family of PHP backdoors that operate on any PHP enabled system.

The variants belonging to this family are usually heavily obfuscated to prevent an outright detection of their functionality.

Backdoor:PHP/Obfu allows unauthorized access to a computer system.

It is a remote access tool that allows a hacker to gain access to a compromised computer, typically though a TCP or UDP port.

Backdoors are usually standalone files that install themselves to the system after they are run. They then remain active in the memory listening on specific network ports for commands from a remote host.

The variants in this particular family are usually sent to the compromised server through a script that exploits an RFI (Remote File Inclusion) vulnerability on the compromised machine.

Last update 01 February 2008



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