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First posted on 21 November 2011.
Source: BitDefender

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Win32.Antiman.A@mm.

Explanation :

The worm comes by mail, in one of the following forms (the texts are in Romanian):

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Poza de la mare...
( Subject: Picture from the seaside... )
Body: Ti-am trimis ultima poza de la mare. Asta e?
( Body: I sent you the most recent picture from the seaside. Is this the right one ? )
Attachment: scan_picture_0001._JPG.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Antivirus
Body: Asta e ultimul antivirus. Ar trebui sa rezolve toate problemele.
( Body: This is the latest antivirus. It should solve all problems. )
Attachment: antivirus.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Sex in camin
( Subject: Sex in the dormitory )
Body: Ioana, sex in grup in camin. Cred ca o stii si tu
( Body: Ioana, group sex in the dorm! I think you know about this, too )
Attachment: ioana_divx._AVI.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Faza cu camila
( Subject: The story about the camel )
Attachment: camila.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: De ce mor mai repede curiosii...
( Subject: Why curious people die fast... )
Body: Nu deschide acest mesaj! E numai pentru persoanele prea curioase!
( Body: Do not open this message. It is only for people who are just too curious! )
Attachment: curiosii.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Antimanele
( Subject: Against gipsy music )
Body: Daca sunteti nu mai suportati manelele la servici, tramvai, taxi, metrou, etc., trimiteti acest mesaj la toti prietenii dvs. ! Va multumesc (din suflet).
( Body: If you can no longer put up with Gipsy music at work, in the tramway, in the subway, etc, send this message to all your friends. Thank you (from the bottom of my heart) )
Attachment: antimanele.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Votati astazi!
( Subject: Vote today )
Body: Credeti ca ar fi mai bine ca Romania sa-si retraga trupele din Irak anul acesta? Deschideti programul Vot, alegeti votul dvs. si vedeti rezultatele. Parerea dvs. conteaza!
( Body: Do you think that Romania should withdraw its troops from Iraq this year? Open this "Vote" program, select your choice and see the results. Your opinion counts! )
Attachment: [current date].exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Cu sau fara Manele ?
( Subject: With or without Gipsy music? )
Body: Credeti ca ar fi mai bine ca manelele sa fie interzise in Romania? Deschideti programul de votare, alegeti votul dvs. si vedeti rezultatele. Parerea dvs. conteaza!
( Body: Do you believe it would be beneficial to forbid Gipsy music in Romania? Open the voting program, make your choice and see the results. Your opinion counts! )
Attachment: vot_manele.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Pentru Ionel
( Subject: For Ionel )
Body: Draga Ionel, Scuza-ma ca nu ti-am mai scris de mult timp, dar am avut ceva probleme cu calculatorul. Ti-am promis ultima data pe chat o poza cu mine dezbracata... m-am gandit mult la asta si cred ca pana la urma cel mai bine e sa-ti trimit o poza. Sper sa-ti placa. Daca nu o sa-mi mai scrii dupa mesajul asta, o sa te inteleg... Roxana,
( Body: Dear Ionel, I▓m sorry I haven▓t written to you in a long time, but I had some computer-related problems. I have promised you the last time we chatted on the Internet that I would send you a picture of myself naked┘ I▓ve been thinking about this for a while and finally I decided that it▓s best I send you this picture. I hope you like it. If you don▓t reply to this message, I▓ll understand┘ Roxana. )
Attachment: poza_roxana._JPG.exe

From: [spoofed]
Subject: Cum a murit Papa?
( Subject: How did the Pope die? )
Body: Film cu moartea papei. Toate drepturile rezervate. Este interzisa modificarea continutului. Poate fi redistribuit. Asociatia Catolicilor Anonimi din Romania.
( Body: Movie about the Popeâ–“s death. All rights reserved. Change of contents is strictly forbidden. May be re-distributed. The Romanian Anonymous Catholics Association. )
Attachment: film_papa._avi._divx_.exe

When ran, the worm copies itself to Windows directory with the name FUNNY.SCR and sets itself as the screen saver, by writing the following registry keys:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"ScreenSaveTimeOut" = "300"

so that it will always run as screen saver after a 5 minute timeout.

Also it copies itslef to Startup folder so as to run with each Windows session:

%DocumentsAndSettings%\%User%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\STARTWIN.EXE

Then it scans the hard-disk drives and deletes multimedia files containing one of the following strings:

Liviu Guta, Liviu_Guta, Nicolae Guta, Nicolae_Guta, Copilul de aur, Copilul_de_aur, adi de la valcea, adi_de_la_valcea, adi de vito, ady de vito, florin salam, florin_salam, adrian & camy, stana isbasa, adrian cm, adrian copilul minune, adrian_copilul_minune, alina si costi, copilul de aur, dani de la deva, gabi din buzau, gabi de la giulesti, liviu pustiu, guta jr, guta & sorina, printesa ionela, don genove, jean de la craiova, cristian gusatu, ovidiu mititelu, sorinel pustiu, lucian seres, mihaela minune, minodora, n. guta, n.guta, nico cu carbon, nico_cu_carbon, sile dorel, vali vijelie, carmen serban, petrica cercel, nicu paleru, cata boss, liviu_guta, stefan de la barbulesti, florin peste, liviu cu mirela, sorina & florinel, puiu codreanu, catalin de la buzau, daniel dinescu, relu pustiu, victor spaniolu, vali raicu, adi caval, carmen dobre, sorinel copilu de aur, as da zile de la mine, sunt seful vostru pana mor, chefdechef, chef de chef, dusmanii mei, plange sufletul, jumatate tu, jumatate eu, ce le-nnebuneste pe femei, sa cante manelele.

The worm sends mails with itself to all entries in address book of Outlook, and also scans Yahoo Messenger log files to gather new mail addresses.

Also it creates a [logfile] called M.TXT in the root of C: where it logs its actions. The log file may be erased.

Last update 21 November 2011