Home / malware BrowserModifier:Win32/Zwangi
First posted on 29 October 2012.
Source: MicrosoftAliases :
BrowserModifier:Win32/Zwangi is also known as Mal/BHO-S (Sophos), Spyware.Screenspy (Symantec).
Explanation :
BrowserModifier:Win32/Zwangi is a program that runs as a service in the background and modifies Internet browser search functionality.
Upon installation, BrowserModifier:Win32/Zwangi creates the following folders and drops files in the following format; the file name varies, and is dependent on the screen name used by Zwangi:
Directory format:
- %ProgramFiles%\<Screen name>
- %APPDATA%\<Screen name>
- File name format:
- <Screen name>.dll
- <Screen name>.exe
- Uninstall.exe
Where <Screen name> can be any of the names listed below:
- BarDiscover
- BarQuery
- BasicScan
- BrowserDiscover
- BrowserQuery
- BrowserQuest
- BrowserSeek
- BrowserZinc
- Findbasic
- FindXplorer
- Kwanzy
- KwinzySrch
- QueryBar
- QueryBrowse
- QueryBrowser
- QueryBrwSearch
- QueryExplorer
- QueryScan
- QueryService
- QuestBasic
- QuestBrowse
- QuestBrowser
- QuestBrwSearch
- QuestDns
- QuestResult
- QuestScan
- QuestService
- QuestUrl
- ResulCmd
- ResultBar
- ResultBrowse
- ResultBrowser
- ResultDns
- ResultScan
- ResultTool
- ResultUrl
- ScanBasic
- ScanQuery
- Seekapp
- SeekappSrch
- SeekDns
- SeekeenSrch
- SeekService
- SpaceQuery
- TabDiscover
- TabQuery
- Weemi
- WinkZink
- Wyeke
- Wyyo
- ZinkSeek
- Zinkzo
- Zwangie
- ZwangiSearch
- ZwangiSrch
- ZwankySearch
- Zwunzi
For example:
- %ProgramFiles%\Zwangi
- %APPDATA%\Zwangi
- Files
- zwangi.dll
- zwangi.exe
- uninstall.exe
- Directory
- %ProgramFiles%\QuestBrwSearch
- %APPDATA%\QuestBrwSearch
- Files
- questbrwsearch.dll
- questbrwsearch.exe
- uninstall.exe
You can see some examples of different names used by BrowserModifier:Win32/Zwangi in the Uninstall Wizards below:
It also drops the following file under the %APPDATA%\<Screen name> folder:
- zwangi127.exe
The names of the initial dropped file also depend on the screen name and the software version; it uses the following format:
<Screen name><version>.exe
For example:
- zwangi127.exe
- questbrowse126.exe
Win32/Zwangi then creates the following registry entries as part of its installation routine:
In subkey: HKLM\Software\<Screen name>
Sets value: "Cid"
With data: " 15bf554626ae4a81a3a9a064ccdac23c"
Sets value: "DllPath"
With data: "%ProgramFiles%\<Screen name>\<Screen name>.dll"
Sets value: "Partner"
With data: "<Screen name><version>"
Sets value: "Primary"
With data: "23, 35, 00, 00"
Sets value: "ShowBarSign"
With data: "00, 00, 00, 00"
Sets value: "ShowToolbarButton"
With data: "00, 00, 00, 00"
Sets value: "Src"
With data: "<Screen name>"
Sets value: "Version"
With data: "1B, 00, 01, 00"
In subkey: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Uninstall\<Screen name>
Sets value: "Display name "
With data: "<screen name> <version> <build number>"
Win32/Zwangi installs itself as a service by creating the following registry keys and its associated entries:
Adds subkey: HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\LEGACY_<Screen name>_SERVICE
In subkey: HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\ZwangiSearch Service
Sets value: "Description"
With data: "Update and control for <Screen name>"
Sets value: "Display name"
With data: " <Screen name>Search Service"
Sets value: "ErrorControl"
With data: "00, 00, 00, 00"
Sets value: "ImagePath"
With data: "%APPDATA%\<Screen name>Search\<Screen name><version>.exe" "%ProgramFiles%\<Screen name>Search\<Screen name>.dll"
Sets value: "ObjectName"
With data: "LocalSystem"
Sets value: "Start"
With data: "02, 00, 00, 00"
Sets value: "Type"
With data: "10, 00, 00, 00"
In the wild, we have observed Win32/Zwangi running on the following browsers:
Program behavior
- Firefox 3.6
- Google Chrome Beta
- Internet Explorer 6
- Internet Explorer 7
- Internet Explorer 8
Modifies browsing behavior
When you enter keywords in the browser address bar, Win32/Zwangi turns it into an Internet search box by opening a search results page in its own webpage, such as the following:
- questbrowse.com
- weemi.com
- zwangi.com
The address bar is the usual location in which the URL is typed.
Win32/Zwangi may also replace or override the error page that is normally displayed when the browser accesses a web address that cannot be resolved (HTTP error 404).
Displays pop-up messages
Win32/Zwangi may display popup messages related to the following keywords:
- agent
- agente
- amo
- amore
- amour
- arte
- artes
- arts
- asta
- auction
- auktion
- book
- boutique
- call
- chat
- chiesa
- church
- cia
- ciao
- ciaq
- club
- clube
- compare
- dds
- deporte
- ditta
- dvd
- eglise
- enchere
- escola
- escuela
- esporte
- famiglia
- familia
- familie
- famille
- family
- find
- free
- game
- ges
- gmbh
- golf
- gratis
- gratuit
- hola
- iglesia
- igreja
- inc
- jeu
- jogo
- juego
- kids
- kirche
- kunst
- laden
- law
- legge
- lei
- leilao
- ley
- liebe
- llc
- llp
- loi
- loja
- love
- ltd
- makler
- map
- med
- movie
- mp3
- phone
- recht
- reise
- resto
- school
- schule
- scifi
- scuola
- search
- shop
- soc
- spiel
- sport
- stock
- subasta
- tec
- tech
- tel
- test
- tienda
- travel
- turismo
- verein
- viagem
- viaje
- video
- voyage
- weather
Analysis by Michael Johnson, Zarestel Ferrer & Wei Li
Last update 29 October 2012