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New mailing list available, RHSA-announce@redhat.com

Posted on 03 December 2007

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A new mailing list, RHSA-announce, is now available and will be used
to send out security advisories for every Red Hat product and service.
In the past, advisories were sent to separate mailing lists, with one
list for each product family:

* enterprise-watch-list: issues affecting Red Hat Enterprise Linux and
layered products.

* jboss-watch-list: issues affecting JBoss Enterprise Middleware.

Relevant advisories will continue to be sent to enterprise-watch-list
and jboss-watch-list, but will now also be sent to
RHSA-announce. Advisories for products which never had separate lists,
such as Red Hat Satellite Server, will be sent to the RHSA-announce

Subscribe to RHSA-announce if you are interested in flaws affecting
every Red Hat product. Continue to use the separate lists mentioned
above if you want to receive a subset of advisories for the product
family that interests you. Or use Red Hat Network to receive
customized advisories for just the products and packages you are


Visit https://www.redhat.com/security/updates/ for more details about
security updates, our policies, and how to contact us.

Thanks, Mark
- --
Mark J Cox / Red Hat Security Response Team