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[RHSA-2012:0958-04] Low: sos security, bug fix, and enhancement update

Posted on 20 June 2012

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Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Low: sos security, bug fix, and enhancement update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2012:0958-04
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2012-0958.html
Issue date: 2012-06-20
CVE Names: CVE-2012-2664

1. Summary:

An updated sos package that fixes one security issue, several bugs, and
adds various enhancements is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having low
security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the CVE link in
the References section.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 6) - noarch
Red Hat Enterprise Linux HPC Node (v. 6) - noarch
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6) - noarch
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation (v. 6) - noarch

3. Description:

The sos package contains a set of tools that gather information from system
hardware, logs and configuration files. The information can then be used
for diagnostic purposes and debugging.

The sosreport utility collected the Kickstart configuration file
("/root/anaconda-ks.cfg"), but did not remove the root user's password from
it before adding the file to the resulting archive of debugging
information. An attacker able to access the archive could possibly use this
flaw to obtain the root user's password. "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" usually
only contains a hash of the password, not the plain text password.

Note: This issue affected all installations, not only systems installed via
Kickstart. A "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" file is created by all installation

This updated sos package also includes numerous bug fixes and enhancements.
Space precludes documenting all of these changes in this advisory. Users
are directed to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 Technical Notes for
information on the most significant of these changes.

All users of sos are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which
contains backported patches to correct these issues and add these

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously-released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via the Red Hat Network. Details on how to
use the Red Hat Network to apply this update are available at

5. Bugs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

730641 - sosreport does not collect /proc/net details
749262 - sosreport does not gather RHN Proxy squid logs
749279 - rhn plugin should collect tomcat version 6 info, instead of obsoleted version 5
749919 - teach sos to collect /etc/modprobe.d/*
771393 - Sosreport fails for default values when rhn user name contains character '/' in it.
771501 - capture non standard log files via syslog - fix filename regexp
782589 - When copying directory into report using addCopySpec, links inside are not handled correctly
784862 - sos does not collect /proc/irq
784874 - sos does not collect /proc/cgroups
790402 - sosreport should blank root password in anaconda plugin
826884 - CVE-2012-2664 sosreport does not blank root password in anaconda plugin

6. Package List:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 6):



Red Hat Enterprise Linux HPC Node (v. 6):



Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6):



Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation (v. 6):



These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security. Our key and
details on how to verify the signature are available from

7. References:


8. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is <secalert@redhat.com>. More contact
details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/

Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.