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[SECURITY] [DSA 1754-1] New roundup packages fix privilege escalation

Posted on 09 April 2009
Debian Security Advisory

Hash: SHA1

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-1754-1 security@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/ Florian Weimer
April 09, 2009 http://www.debian.org/security/faq
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Package : roundup
Vulnerability : insufficient access checks
Problem type : remote
Debian-specific: no
Debian Bug : 518768

It was discovered that roundup, an issue tracker with a command-line,
web and email interface, allows users to edit resources in
unauthorized ways, including granting themselves admin rights.

This update introduces stricter access checks, actually enforcing the
configured permissions and roles. This means that the configuration
may need updating. In addition, user registration via the web
interface has been disabled; use the program "roundup-admin" from the
command line instead.

For the old stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in
version 1.2.1-10+etch1.

For the stable distribution (lenny), this problem has been fixed in
version 1.4.4-4+lenny1.

We recommend that you upgrade your roundup package.

Upgrade instructions
- --------------------

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
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Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum: 692 d3833663815ebb9c1cddc9460d4d83d9
Size/MD5 checksum: 31444 081c0f1e73060e4c08bee19e00a65ca6

Architecture independent packages:

Size/MD5 checksum: 1001982 5dd583af51c872e7104ccbc6a4712a19

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias lenny
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Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum: 1362370 6a9f6fc272d833ef0179b00e63010a08
Size/MD5 checksum: 31251 79f0a30609f4d468724e1ef4a4baa806
Size/MD5 checksum: 1052 54b59892c5950d6aaa008241a34baf2e

Architecture independent packages:

Size/MD5 checksum: 1278590 6565b9fcdec76bc76b75d543426875fc

These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
its next update.

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For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org
Package info: `apt-cache show <pkg>' and http://packages.debian.org/<pkg>