Home / mailings Debian Security Advisory
Posted on 22 March 2007
Debian Security Advisory-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
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Debian Security Advisory DSA 1272-1 security@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/ Moritz Muehlenhoff
March 22nd, 2007 http://www.debian.org/security/faq
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Package : tcpdump
Vulnerability : buffer overflow
Problem-Type : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2007-1218
Moritz Jodeit discovered an off-by-one buffer overflow in tcpdump, a
powerful tool for network monitoring and data acquisition, which allows
denial of service.
For the stable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 3.8.3-5sarge2.
For the upcoming stable distribution (etch) this problem has been fixed
in version 3.9.5-2.
For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 3.9.5-2.
We recommend that you upgrade your tcpdump package.
Upgrade Instructions
- --------------------
wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.
If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:
apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages
You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge
- --------------------------------
Source archives:
Size/MD5 checksum: 666 90787f78143213411a3d82cebfbca271
Size/MD5 checksum: 11825 e7127eec3ec3a93e26bdb26b6665be85
Size/MD5 checksum: 567116 30645001f4b97019677cad88d3811904
Alpha architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 300608 d1adf87dd2d3f9f6f237e01197e7dd19
AMD64 architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 256526 c4ddd7019f02181e76b23343f0814896
ARM architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 250608 3e8cc35bef4826ed4e49738fcbcee1cb
HP Precision architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 271650 e05fa598432be127c796d265c09d31c4
Intel IA-32 architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 238766 c6f34cfc4ae54d9014fb04170bfc5ff0
Intel IA-64 architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 352574 9051cb601e4c9af4b86f12d6277b902f
Motorola 680x0 architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 216828 5480eb68317d9d0094f5a8f57fdd88b3
Big endian MIPS architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 259444 c5aa363816907aa5a12518335b4a603f
Little endian MIPS architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 272134 81118a6ab19eddd16ce6515e0df5c92c
PowerPC architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 246446 a6baff85c203fd278a22faa24c4454db
IBM S/390 architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 247336 e314c894f57ff3de0d040f1686d3037f
Sun Sparc architecture:
Size/MD5 checksum: 248034 4ae6cbc287bae15326b5966fee545fe7
These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
its next update.
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For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org
Package info: `apt-cache show <pkg>' and http://packages.debian.org/<pkg>