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Anantasoft Gazelle CMS 1.0 Cross Site Scripting

Posted on 21 June 2012

____/\______.__ ________ _________ _____ ____/\__ ____/\__ _____ ____/\__ ____/\______ / / /_/_ | | \_____ ___\______ / ___ / / /_// / /_/ / ___ / / /_// / /_/_ | ____ \__/ / | | | _(__ < / / / / / ._ \__/ / \__/ / / / ._ \__/ / \__/ / | |/ / / / | | |__/ | / / < \_____/ / / / / / < \_____/ / / / / / | | | /_/ /__ /|___|____/______ /___| /____/ \_____/_/ /__ /_/ /__ /\_____/_/ /__ /_/ /__ /|___|___| / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Anantasoft Gazelle CMS Admin Panel Multiple stored XSS Vendor: Anantasoft Gaselle CMS Author: $1l3n7 @$$@$$17 Email: sil3ntb0t@gmail.com Download Link: http://www.anantasoft.com/index.php?Gazelle%20CMS/Download Versions: 1.0 Tested on: Windows7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description : Anantasoft's Gazelle CMS apparantly found it's way to a magazine: the January 2009 edition of LinuxFormat. Or rather: it's editors found their way to Gazelle CMS. Anantasoft.com <http://www.anantasoft.com/index.php> has ranked 2nd in the CMS Awards Popular Awards in the category SEO 2008. Anantasoft Gaselle CMS 1.0 is vulnerable to stored xss due to improper input sanitization.An attacker can inject arbitrary java script and can be used for session hijacking. DEMO: A)Persistent XSS http://localhost/gazelle/admin/index.php?Users DEMO: http://www.opensourcecms.com/demo/2/193/Anantasoft+Gazelle+CMS In Add User Tab -> Username Field In Add Usergroup Tab -> User group field In Modules -> Create Module -> Module name field In Menu -> Add menu -> Menu Name field POST DATA= "'-->><script>alert(0)</script> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- gr33t1ngs and ShOuTZ to r007k17-w and all my friends..