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CKFinder 2.3 / FCKEditor 2.6.8 SWF Cross Site Scripting

Posted on 13 November 2012

Hello The latest versions of CKFinder (2.3) and FCKEditor(2.6.8) are accepting SWF as a valid extension. As a result, it is possible to make a website vulnerable to an XSS attack by uploading a malicious SWF file. Source: http://soroush.secproject.com/blog/2012/11/xss-by-uploadingincluding-a-swf-file/ This has been reported to the vendor today, but the swf file is public currently via my blog. PoC:  Demo Link: http://ckfinder.com/demo Result: http://ckfinder.com/userfiles/flash/Public%20Folder/XSSProject.swf?js=alert(document.domain) Regards Soroush Dalili