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Dolibarr 3.2.2 Cross Site Scripting / SQL Injection

Posted on 22 October 2012

HTTPCS Advisory : HTTPCS94 Product : Dolibarr Version : 3.2.2 Date : 2012-10-19 Criticality level : Highly Critical Description : A vulnerability has been discovered in Dolibarr, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct SQL injection attacks. Input passed via the 'rights' parameter to '/user/perms.php' is not properly sanitised before being used in a SQL query. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code. Page : /user/perms.php Variables : action=delrights&id=1&rights=[VulnHTTPCS] Type : SQLI Method : GET Solution : References : https://www.httpcs.com/advisory/httpcs94 Credit : HTTPCS [Web Vulnerability Scanner]